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Being Afraid Quotes

'How do you know so much about everything?' was asked of a very wise and intelligent man; and the answer was 'By never being afraid or ashamed to ask questions as to anything of which I was ignorant.'
- John Abbott

Puck Mulligan footed featly, trilling:
Jest on. Know thyself.
- James Joyce

I ignore my fear," he says. "When I make decisions, I pretend it doesn't exist."
I stare at him for a second. I can't help it. To me there's a difference between not
being afraid and acting in spite of fear, as he does.
- Veronica Roth

To me there's a difference between not being afraid and acting in spite of fear, as he does.
- Veronica Roth

I stare at him for a second. I can't help it. To me there's a difference between not being afraid and acting in spite of fear, as he does.
- Veronica Roth

If you hold back on the emotionsif you don't allow yourself to go all the
way through themyou can never get to being detached, you're too busy being afraid. You're afraid
of the pain, you're afraid of the grief. You're afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails.
- Mitch Albom

Take any emotionlove for a woman, or grief for a loved one, or what I'm going through, fear and pain from a deadly illness. If you hold back on the emotionsif you don't allow yourself to go all the way through themyou can never get to being detached, you're too busy being afraid. You're afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails.
- Mitch Albom

If you hold back on the emotions--if you don't allow yourself to go all the way through them--you can never get to being detached, you're too busy being afraid.
- Mitch Albom

Yes, my mind was wandering. I wished I were there with someone who could bring peace to my heart someone with whom I could spend a little time without being afraid that i would lose him the next day. With that reassurance, the time would pass more slowly. We could be silent for a while because we'd know we had the rest of our lives together for conversation. I wouldn't have to worry about serious matters, about difficult decisions and hard words.
- Paulo Coelho

Oh, was not all suffering time, were not all forms of tormenting oneself and being afraid time, was not everything hard, everything hostile in the world gone and overcome as soon as one had overcome time, as soon as time would have been put out of existence by one's thoughts?
- Hermann Hesse

Dorian Gray frowned and turned his head away. He could not help liking the tall, graceful young man who was standing by him. His romantic, olive-coloured face and worn expression interested him. There was something in his low languid voice that was absolutely fascinating. His cool, white, flowerlike hands, even, had a curious charm. They moved, as he spoke, like music, and seemed to have a language of their own. But he felt afraid of him, and ashamed of being afraid.
- Oscar Wilde

As Val jumped down onto the litter-strewn concrete after them, she thought how insane it was to follow two people she didn't know into the bowels of the subway, but instead of being afraid, she felt glad. She would make all her own decisions now, even if they were ruinous ones. It was the same pleasurable feeling as tearing a piece of paper into tiny, tiny pieces.
- Holly Black

This is never going to be over," I shout. "Someone will always be after me. There's always consequences. Well, BRING IT. I am done with being afraid, and I am done with you.
- Holly Black

Will we ever stop being afraid of nights and death?
When you reach the stars, boy, yes, and live there forever, all the fears will go, and Death himself will die.
- Ray Bradbury

Fear's useless. Either something bad happens or it doesn't: If it doesn't, you've wasted time being afraid, and if it does, you've wasted time that you could have spent sharpening your weapons.
- Sarah Rees Brennan

I have a tendency to sabotage relationships; I have a tendency to sabotage everything. Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of being afraid. Useless, good-for-nothing thoughts.
- Michael Buble

Cowardice is impotence worse than violence. The coward desires revenge but being afraid to die, he looks to others, maybe to the government of the day, to do the work of defense for him. A coward is less than a man. He does not deserve to be a member of a society of men and women.
- Mahatma Gandhi

It's fear of being afraid that frightens me more than anything else.
- Jerome Cady

What we want most is only to be held...and told...that everything (everything is a funny thing, is baby milk and Papa's eyes, is roaring logs on a cold morning, is hoot-owls and the boy who makes you cry after school, is Mama's long hair, is being afraid, and twisted faces on the bedroom wall)...everything is going to be all right.
- Truman Capote

What we want most is to be held...and told..that everything (everything is a funny thing, is baby milk and papa's eyes, is roaring logs on a cold morning, is hoot owls and the boy who makes you cry after school, is mama's long hair, is being afraid and twisted faces on the bedroom wall) going to be alright.
- Truman Capote

To philosophize is only another way of being afraid and leads hardly anywhere but to cowardly make-believe.
- Louisferdinand Celine

What a man is ashamed of is always at bottom himself; and he is ashamed of himself at bottom always for being afraid.
- Robin G Collingwood

The minute we look, we cease being afraid.
- Michael Crichton

It's different being afraid when there's the hope it will amount to something.
- Justin Cronin

The greatest gift is not being afraid to question.
- Ruby Dee

I think maybe the reason I have spent most of my life being afraid is that I have been trying to prepare myself to train my body for real fear when it comes. But I am not prepared.
- John Green

It's the same thing,' I told her.
'What is?'
'Being afraid and being alive.'
'No,' she said slowly, and now it was as if she was speaking a language she knew at first I wouldn't understand, the very words, not to mention the concept, being foreign to me. 'Macy, no. It's not.
- Sarah Dessen

My grandfather used to say: Life is astoundingly short. To me, looking back over it, life seems so foreshortened that I scarcely understand, for instance, how a young man can decide to ride over to the next village without being afraid that -not to mention accidents- even the span of a normal happy life may fall far short of the time needed for such a journey.
- Franz Kafka

Life is astonishingly short. As I look back over it, life seems so foreshortened to me that I can hardly understand, for instance, how a young man can decide to ride over to the next village without being afraid that, quite apart from accidents, even the span of a normal life that passes happily may be totally insufficient for such a ride.
- Franz Kafka

It is important to experiment and endlessly seek after creating the best possible flavors when preparing foods. That means not being afraid to experiment with various ingredients.
- Rocco Dispirito

Being afraid you'll look like a coward is the worst reason for doing anything.
- John Irving

being afraid to take chances is scarier than actually doing things that challenge you.
- Simone Elkeles

Go so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back.
- Eve Ensler

Cherish your solitude. Take trains by yourself to places you have never been. Sleep out alone under the stars. Learn how to drive a stick shift. Go so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back. Say no when you don't want to do something. Say yes if your instincts are strong, even if everyone around you disagrees. Decide whether you want to be liked or admired. Decide if fitting in is more important than finding out what you're doing here. Believe in kissing.
- Eve Ensler

The brave man is not the one without fear but the one who does what he must despite being afraid. To succeed, you must be willing to risk total failure; you must learn this.
- Raymond E Feist

I think sometimes that people think brave means not being afraid, which of course it doesn't mean that at all. It means that you're afraid, but you move past that and do it anyway, do what you think is right.
- Craig Ferguson

Letting go of things and not being afraid of being ridiculous or over the top - I think that's the main thing for me to work on.
- Charlotte Gainsbourg

Needing people yet being afraid of them is wearing me out.
- Janice Galloway

Her father said there was no shame in being afraid, only in showing your fear. "All men live with fear," he said.
- George R R Martin

The first step to believing something is true is wanting to believe it is true... or being afraid it is.
- Terry Goodkind

Courage is being afraid - and going ahead, anyway.
- Heather Graham

Before I knew you, I thought brave was not being afraid. You've taught me that bravery is being terrified and doing it anyway.
- Laurell K Hamilton

Only those who have never known fear are allowed to think less of others for being afraid. Frankly, I think anyone who has never been afraid of anything in their entire life is either a liar or lacks imagination.
- Laurell K Hamilton

One thing about being successful is that I stopped being afraid of dying. Once you're a star you're dead already. You're embalmed.
- Dustin Hoffman

There isn't so much to be afraid of, out there. I can remember thinking it was funny to find that out, on the last night of my life; I'd spent the rest of it being afraid of everything.
- Nick Hornby

The recruit who reports for active duty at the beginning of the war can in some instances be afraid of death, but more often he is 'afraid of being afraid'; that is, he is filled with anguish before himself.
- Jean Paul Sartre

That's silly, Anna," said the Honorable Olive. "Being afraid is silly, you know it is.
- Eva Ibbotson

We are opposed to the line of compromise with imperialism. At the same time, we cannot tolerate the practice of only shouting against imperialism, but, in actual fact, being afraid to fight it.
- Kim Ilsung

The only thing Martha and I have in common is that we both used to model. Martha Stewart is extremely talented. Her designs are picture perfect. Our philosophy is life is messy, and rather than being afraid of those messes we design products that work the way we live.
- Kathy Ireland

Martha Stewart is extremely talented. Her designs are picture perfect. Our philosophy is life is messy, and rather than being afraid of those messes we design products that work the way we live.
- Kathy Ireland

When you stop being afraid you feel good
- Spencer Johnson

Roland, love means not being afraid to let yourself go, trusting that I will desire everything you have to offer. -Rosaline (Roland's love)
- Lauren Kate

My recipe for life is not being afraid of myself, afraid of what I think or of my opinions.
- Eartha Kitt

There's no use wasting are energy being afraid of the devils, demons and things that go bump in the night... Because ultimately we'll never encounter anything more terrifying than the monster among us. Hell is where we make it.
- Dean Koontz

An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.
- Edwin Land is all the more clear what we have to accomplish at present: I am referring to ruthless criticism of all that exists, ruthless both in the sense of not being afraid of the results it arrives at and in the sense of being just as little afraid of conflict with the powers that be.
- Karl Marx

Bravery is not the absence of fear but the forging ahead despite being afraid
- Robert Liparulo

If you love the language, the greatest thing you can do to ensure its survival is not to complain about bad usage but to pass your enthusiasm to a child. Find a child and read to it often the things you admire, not being afraid to read the classics.
- Robert Macneil

Fear's a box we grow used to, convince ourselves it's all the space we need, that we like its color, its smell, its protection. Comes a time to stop hiding, stop being afraid. If we don't break free of our boxes, our spirits' shrink, we shrink in every way imaginable. Oh, Grace, my friend, don't let fear, especially someone else's fear, prevent you from living your life.
- Joan Medlicott

I can never remember being afraid of an audience. If the audience could do better, they'd be up here on stage and I'd be out there watching them.
- Ethel Merman

Earth - it was a place where you could stop being afraid, a place where fear of suffocation was not, where fear of blowout was not, where nobody went berserk with the chokers or dreamed of poisoned air or worried about shorthorn cancer or burn blindness or meteoric dust or low-gravity muscular atrophy. A place where there was wind to blow your sweat away.
- Walter M Miller Jr

I can cite numerous sponsors at different places in my career that made a huge difference for me just in terms of pulling me aside and giving me a tip or some coaching, or just watching what I was doing and not being afraid to tell me the truth about it.
- Denise Morrison

What you want to do is, you want to get away from people being afraid to show their work, which is the first thing, because they don't want to be shot down.
- Dennis Muren

I quit being afraid when my first venture failed and the sky didn't fall down.
- Allen Neuharth

That was courage, Keller thought. Not doing something without being afraid, but doing something even though you were afraid.
- L J Smith

It wasn't so much that he minded telling Leslie that he was afraid to go; it was that he minded being afraid. It was as though he had been made with a great piece missing - one of May Belle's puzzles with this huge gap where somebody's eye should have been. Lord, it would be better to be born without an arm than to go through life with no guts.
- Katherine Paterson

Being a geek is all about being honest about what you enjoy and not being afraid to demonstrate that affection. It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It's basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating.
- Simon Pegg

Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow.
- Dan Rather

I got this idea about being afraid to let go of something and being afraid of sinking into a state of almost anesthesia, where you have to trust other people. Just the paranoia of it all. And it seemed to suit the frenetic track. So I just wrote it out and, you know, said it.
- Nick Rhodes

Boys,' she says, 'just aren't very good at being afraid.
- Maggie Stiefvater

I think knowing people by first names, not by what they do sexually, is really what it's about. Not being afraid. Fear is the enemy. I've always been comfortable with being gay.
- Herb Ritts

True courage is being afraid, and going ahead and doing your job anyhow, that's what courage is.
- Norman Schwarzkopf

Her grandmother had once told her that one of life's best lessons was not being afraid to look foolish -- to just ask the question.
- Melissa Senate

No you don't understand. I've been afraid my whole life.
So Sorry, but may I ask of what?
Of the future...of my path..I've..I've been afraid of so many things.
Perhaps..Perhaps your days of being afraid are done.
- John Shors

She was tired of being afraid, so impossibly weary of her own fears that a part of her wanted to sit on the quite beach forever. If she sat in the sand forever,she wouldn't have to face the troubles that often seemed to define her life. As a tear descended her cheek, she wiped it away, turning toward the sea.
- John Shors

I was brought up in a very poor and very violent household. I spent much of my childhood being afraid.
- Patrick Stewart

David held up his hands. "Hold it. This is going nowhere. You two are both afraid, and being afraid
makes you angry, and being angry makes you lash out."
"Thank you, Dr. Laura," I said snippily.
"I'm not afraid of her," Hunter said, like a six-year-old, and I wanted to kick him under the table. Now
that I knew he was actually alive, I remembered just how unpleasant he was.
- Cate Tiernan

Love is easy. It's being afraid that's hard.
- Jennifer Megan Varnadore

Tomorrow belongs to betrayal. Today is mine and I don't want to waste it being afraid.
- Laura Wiess

Wild animals would not stay in a country where there were so many people. Pa did not like to stay, either. He liked a country where the wild animals lived without being afraid.
- Laura Ingalls Wilder

The secret to not being afraid is to understand what scares you
- Deborah Wiles

How do you convince someone to change, to stop being afraid of himself? How do you convince yourself not to be so scared all the time?
- Charles Yu


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