There is no season and no reason for love. Love is not seasonal its perennial.
- Amit Abraham
I do not know what is happening. The reason of my waking mind tells me that great evil has befallen and we stand at the end of days. But my heart says nay; and all my limbs are light, and a hope and joy are come to me that no reason can deny. I do not believe that darkness will endure!
- J R R Tolkien
Ford Prefect suppressed a little giggle of evil satisfaction, realized that he had no reason to suppress it, and laughed out loud, a wicked laugh.
- Douglas Adams
Rob McKenna was a miserable bastard and he knew it because he'd had a lot of people point it out to him over the years and he saw no reason to disagree with them except the obvious one which was that he liked disagreeing with people, particularly people he disliked, which included, at the last count, everybody.
- Douglas Adams
There were days that I literally had no reason to get out of bed. It just was so destructive for me.
- Joey Lauren Adams
That you honestly believe I am capable of hurting innocent people for no reason."
"You're not?" I asked, hope softening my voice.
"Oh, no, I'm more than capable. I just didn't realize you
knew that.
- Darynda Jones
I hope for some sort of peacebut I fear that machines are ahead of morals by some centuries and when morals catch up there'll be no reason for any of it.
- Harry S Truman
How else do you think life happens? A series of coincidences and occurrences have to happen somehow. Our lives all crash and collide and you think there's no reason or rhyme to it? If there wasn't any reason for it all, what would be the point? Why do you think anything happens at all? There is an outcome, repercussions and occurrences to everybody you meet and everything you say.
- Cecelia Ahern
Sometimes you feel bad about yourself when there's no reason to.
- Alvin Ailey
If you throw yourself into danger for no reason again, you will have become nothing more than a Dauntless adrenaline junkie looking for a hit, and I'm not going to help you do it." He spits the words out bitterly. "I love Tris the Divergent, who makes decisions apart from faction loyalty, who isn't some faction archetype. But the Tris who's trying as hard as she can to destroy herself... I can't love her.
- Veronica Roth
My mother told me once that we can't survive alone, but even if we could, we wouldn't want to. Without a faction we have no purpose and no reason to live.
- Veronica Roth
You're more than Dauntless," he says in a low voice. "But if you want to be just like them, hurling yourself into ridiculous situations for no reason and retaliating against your enemies without any regard for what's ethical, go right ahead. I thought you were better than that, but maybe I was wrong.
- Veronica Roth
To live factionless Is not just to live in poverty and discomfort; it is to live divorced from society, separated from the most important thing in life: community. My mother once told me that we can't survive alone,but even if we could, we wouldn't want to. Without a faction, we have no purpose and no reason to live.
- Veronica Roth
I used to think that cruelty required malice, but that is not true. Jeanine has no reason to act out of malice. But she is cruel because she doesn't care what she does, as long as it fascinates her. I may as well be a puzzle or a broken machine she wants to fix. She will break open my skull just to see the inner workings of my brain; I will die here, and that will be the merciful thing.
- Veronica Roth
One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.
- Paulo Coelho
A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires.
- Paulo Coelho
I'm afraid that if my dream is realized, I'll have no reason to go on living.
- Paulo Coelho
Because they are mean is no reason why I should be. I hate such things, and though I think I've a right to be hurt, I don't intend to show it. (Amy March)
- Louisa May Alcott
Will. It doesn't matter--"
"Nothing matters more!" His voice grew in strength. "I know that if you hate me it is because I forced you to. I know that you have no reason to give me a second chance to be regarded by you in a different light. But I am begging you for that chance. I will do anything. Anything.
- Cassandra Clare
There's no reason for any warlock to be interested in her unless he's in the market for nonfunctional crystal balls.
- Cassandra Clare
You look lousy,' he said.
Jace blinked. 'Seems an odd time to start an insult contest, but if you insist, I could probably think up something good.'
'No I mean it. You don't look good.'
'This is from a guy ho has all the sex appeal of a penguin. Look, I realize you may be jealous that the good Lord didn't deal you the same chiseled hand he dealt me, but that's no reason to-'
'I am not trying to insult you.' Simon snapped.
- Cassandra Clare
Even in the worst tragedies and crisis, there's no reason to add to everyone's misery by looking miserable yourself.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Well, I always tried to look nice and be feminine even in the worst tragedies and crisis, there's no reason to add to everyone's misery by looking miserable yourself. That's my philosophy. This is why I always wore makeup and jewelry into the jungle-nothing too extravagant, but maybe just a nice gold bracelet and some earrings, a little lipstick, good perfume. Just enough to show that I still had my self-respect.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare against the wind and the cold, wintery light. But you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person died for no reason.
- Ernest Hemingway
But you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason.
- Ernest Hemingway
For both of us, I think, it had to do with our weakened power to love. It is strange that enslavement should have that effect not just the fantastic degradation, not just the fear and the boredom and all the rest, but also the layered injustice, the silent injustice. So all right. We're back where we started. To you, nothing from you, everything. They took it from me, it seems, for no reason, other than that I value it so much.
- Martin Amis
Dealing with global warming doesn't mean we have all got to suddenly stop breathing. Dealing with global warming means that we have to stop waste, and if you travel for no reason whatsoever, that is a waste.
- David Attenborough
These things sneak up on him for no reason, these flashes of irrational happiness. It's probably a vitamin deficiency.
- Margaret Atwood
There is no reason in the world why you should not be important where you are known. You have good sense, and a sweet temper, and I am sure you have a grateful heart, that could never receive kindness without hoping to return it. I do not know any better qualifications for a friend and companion.
- Jane Austen
There," she said triumphantly. "Like that."
He began to wonder if they were speaking the same language.
"Like what?"
"That! What you just said."
He crossed his arms. It seemed the only acceptable reply. If she
couldn't speak in complete sentences, he saw no reason why he
had to speak at all.
- Julia Quinn
There is no reason for you to try to become like white people and there is no basis whatever for their impertinent assumption that *they* must accept *you*. The really terrible thing, old buddy, is that you must accept them. And I mean that very seriously. You must accept them and accept them with love.
- James Baldwin
One tree isn't more important than the entire forest, Joe. You taught me that. Remember? Political pruning. (Syd)
Yeah, but every forest is always destroyed one tree at a time. You take care of those individual trees because each one that falls brings you closer to deforestation. You only prune what's rotten. You don't cut down a good tree for no reason. (Joe)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
I have no reason to lie. But if you want to hang out here and get eaten, far be it from me to stop you. As is, my ass is fertilizer if they catch me talking to you. (Jaden)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
You lied about knowing me. You could lie about anything. People lie all the time, usually for no reason whatsoever. (Aiden)
But I'm not lying about being hungry. Could you toss me a piece of bread before the interrogation continues? Or do I have to beat your butt for a spoonful of peanut butter? (Leta)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
There's no reason for you to know all that about me. My memories have never served good to anyone. (Acheron)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
What if one of her father's soldiers panicked and fired for no reason? Though pilots were carefully trained, mistakes happened and she didn't want to be included in a statistics report under "uh-oh, my bad."' (Kiara)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
There is no reason that the universe should be designed for our convenience.
- John D Barrow
I could see no reason for being sad. It's just that it makes me unhappy not to feel happy.
- Simone De Beauvoir
It is only on the battlefield of ideas that the best ones can be recognized and ultimately prevail. Only those afraid of the truth seek to silence debate, intimidate those with whom they disagree, or slander their ideological counterparts. Those who know they are right have no reason to stifle debate because they realize that all opposing arguments will ultimately be overcome by fact.
- Glenn Beck
Only those afraid of the truth seek to silence debate, intimidate those with whom they disagree, or slander their ideological counterparts. Those who know they are right have no reason to stifle debate because they realize that all opposing arguments will ultimately be overcome by fact.
- Glenn Beck
To lose one's life is no great matter; when the time comes I'll have the courage to lose mine. But what's intolerable is to see one's life being drained of meaning, to be told there's no reason for existing. A man can't live without some reason for living.
- Albert Camus
It is always tedious when someone tells you that if you don't stop crying, they will give you something to cry about, because if you are crying then you already have something to cry about, and so there is no reason for them to give you anything additional to cry about, thank you very much.
- Lemony Snicket
Just because something is traditional is no reason to do it, of course.
- Lemony Snicket
See, I think if it just became who's sleeping with whom, then there's no reason to prefer one party over the other, 'cause the truth is we're all sinners.
- Paul Begala
I have a crusade against fondant, also shortening. There's no reason why wedding cakes can't taste good if you know what you're doing.
- Ron Benisrael
There is no knowing how or why dread comes on a parent. Of course, many times apprehension arises when there is no reason for it at all. And it comes most often to the parents of only children, parents who have indulged in black dreams of loss.
- John Steinbeck
If then this tendency toward collectivization is a mutation there is no reason to suppose it is for the better. It is a rule in paleontology that ornamentation and complication precede extinction. And our mutation, of which the assembly line, the collective farm, the mechanized army, and the mass production of food are evidences or even symptoms, might well correspond to the thickening armor of the great reptilesa tendency that can end only in extinction.
- John Steinbeck
I don't think dreams mean anything; they just are. There's no reason to translate them into logic.
- Aase Berg
Never again! I can see no reason for marriage - ever at all. I've had it. Three times is enough.
- Ingrid Bergman
Oh, Daja," moaned Jory, "you sound just like my parents." She ran from the schoolroom.
"Well, there's no reason to insult me, "muttered Daja, half offended.
- Tamora Pierce
Unless hours were cups of sack, and minutes capons, and clocks the tongues of bawds, and dials the signs of leaping-houses, and the blessed sun himself a fair hot wench in flame-colored taffeta, I see no reason why thou shouldst be so superfluous to demand the time of the day.
- William Shakespeare
I don't want to change sides and just be told what to do. There's no reason to change if I do that.
- Ray Bradbury
It occurs to me that even though Zoya and I are both still alive, my life is already over. She will be taken from me soon and there will be no reason for me to continue without her. We are one person, you see. We are GeorgyandZoya.
- John Boyne
In his heart, he knew that there was no reason to be impolite to someone, even if they did work for you. There was such a thing as manners after all.
- John Boyne
My husband and I were very in love, and I had no reason to suspect that his interests lay anywhere else.
- Marion Zimmer Bradley
There is no reason why agreement on particular points should not be both possible and advantageous to the so-called neutrals and to one or more of the blocs, either existing or in the process of formation, within the League of Nations.
- Hjalmar Branting
A sombrero fell out of the sky and landed on the main street of town in front of the mayor, his cousin, and a person out of work. The day was scrubbed clean by the desert air. The sky was blue. It was the blue of human eyes, waiting for something to happen. There was no reason for a sombrero to fall out of the sky. No airplane or helicopter was passing overhead and it was not a religious holiday.
- Richard Brautigan
You don't know me, dude," he says, not smiling this time. Gonzo examines his cards, prepping for his next move. "People always think that they know other people, but they don't. Not really. I mean, maybe they know things about them, like they won't eat doughnuts or they like action movies or whatever. But they don't know what their friends do in their rooms alone at night or what happened to them when they were kids or if they feel ****ed up for no reason at all.
- Libba Bray
Each day, you get an ounce more confidence. When we're playing like we are, there's no reason not to.
- Drew Brees
Okay, no reason to have a heart attack. He's just a guy.... the yummiest guy in Yum City.
- Kate Brian
The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams no reasons are necessary.
- Ashleigh Brilliant
If language is lost, humanity is lost. If writing is lost, certain kinds of civilization and society are lost, but many other kinds remain - and there is no reason to think that those alternatives are inferior.
- Robert Bringhurst
Josh: I didn't know....
Nicholas: No reason why you should have - except that your ignorance could have gotten you killed... or worse.
- Michael Scott
This death cult has no reason and is beyond negotiation. This is what makes it so frightening. This is what causes so many to engage in a sort of mental diversion. They don't want to confront this horror. So they rush off in search of more comprehensible things to hate.
- David Brooks
Just because we cannot see clearly te end of the road, that is no reason for not setting out on the essential journey.
- John F Kennedy
He wanted to say that all this talk of feelings was irrelevant. That
emotions come and go and can't be controlled, so there's no reason to worry about them. That in the end, people should be judged by their actions, since in the end, it was actions that defined everyone.
- Nicholas Sparks
Emotions come and go and can't be controlled so there's no reason to worry about them. That in the end, people should be judged by their actions since in the end it was actions that defined everyone.
- Nicholas Sparks
Being in love, I find myself smiling for no reason at all..
- Nicholas Sparks
In office buildings and retail premises in which entry is through double doors and one of those doors is locked for no reason, the door must bear a large sign saying: This Door Is Locked for No Reason.
- Bill Bryson
... true evil needs no reason to exist, it simply is and feeds upon itself.
- E A Bucchianeri
Seeing that a Pilot steers the ship in which we sail, who will never allow us to perish even in the midst of shipwrecks, there is no reason why our minds should be overwhelmed with fear and overcome with weariness.
- John Calvin
We cut the throat of a calf and hang it up by the heels to bleed to death so that our veal cutlet may be white; we nail geese to a board and cram them with food because we like the taste of liver disease; we tear birds to pieces to decorate our women's hats; we mutilate domestic animals for no reason at all except to follow an instinctively cruel fashion; and we connive at the most abominable tortures in the hope of discovering some magical cure for our own diseases by them.
- George Bernard Shaw
The crazy ones only laugh when there is no reason to laugh.
- Charles Bukowski
Either things happen for a reason, or they happen for no reason at all. Either one's life is a thread in a glorious tapestry or humanity is just a hopelessly tangled knot.
- Neal Shusterman
There is no reason why marriage should necessarily compel an actress to forego her career.
- Billie Burke
Look at us! Are we not proof that there is no good, no evil, no truth, no reason? Are we not proof that the universe is a drooling idiot with no fashion sense - Mr Nobody on the fundamental philosophy of the Brotherhood of DADA
- Grant Morrison
I realize at one point, that I was being followed, and then I began to see the surveillance that was going past the road on my house. And so, these cars began to surveil me. People began to follow me around, and it did, it was very disrupting to think that your privacy was being violated, and for no reason that I could come up with.
- Gloria Naylor
I remember at 16 years old, growing up in Queens, we were punks, but hey, when we went to the theater, we wore a shirt and tie! Similarly, I believe that to keep movie theaters in existence, they're gonna have to make 'em an event, have a couch, a table and drinks or something. Otherwise, there's no reason to get out of your bed!
- James Caan
The first question I ask myself when something doesn't seem to be beautiful is why do I think it's not beautiful. And very shortly you discover that there is no reason.
- John Cage
She was staring at you.''
''What can I say? Irresistible.'' ''Shane, it's not funny. I justyou should be careful.''
''Always am.'' Which was an absolute lie. Shane's eyes fixed on hers, and she felt a burst of heat inside that crept up to burn in her cheeks. He smiled slowly.
''No reason. I like my ladies with a pulse.
- Rachel Caine
"No reason. I like my ladies with a pulse.
- Rachel Caine
The obvious effect of frivolous divorce will be frivolous marriage. If people can be separated for no reason they will feel it all the easier to be united for no reason.
- Gilbert K Chesterton
It's always fun to walk down the street with or behind a really beautiful woman, for no reason other than to see how the world reacts to them.
- Jonathan Carroll
I emphasize the distinction between brackets and no brackets because it will affect your reading experience, if you will allow it. Brackets are exciting. Even though you are approaching Sappho in translation, that is no reason you should miss the drama of trying to read a papyrus torn in half or riddled with holes or smaller than a postage stamp--brackets imply a free space of imaginal adventure.
- Anne Carson
I was still carrying the tuba, for no reason other than that, in my current circumstances, it passed for good company. That's another way of saying it was all I had.
- Michael Chabon
...because God knows everything about us, cares about us, helps us, and listens to us whenever we turn to Him, we are not carrying our burdens alone. We therefore have no reason to be bitter.
- Elizabeth George
For every mother who ever cursed God for her child dead in the road, for every father who ever cursed the man who sent him away from the factory with no job, for every child who was ever born to pain and asked why, this is the answer. Our lives are like these things I build. Sometimes they fall down for a reason, sometimes they fall down for no reason at all.
- Stephen King
Is there any knowledge in the world which is so certain that no reasonable man could doubt it?
- Bertrand Russell
There is no reason to suppose that the world had a beginning at all. The idea that things must have a beginning is really due to the poverty of our thoughts.
- Bertrand Russell
Trust your instinct to the end, though you can render no reason.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that's no reason not to give it.
- Agatha Christie
For the producers, there was no reason to produce. You get money, but you couldn't use this money. For consumers, you could have money, but you have no way to use it because you go to the shop and see nothing.
- Anatoly Chubais
Only optimists commit suicide, optimists who no longer succeed at being optimists. The others, having no reason to live, why would they have any to die?
- Emil Cioran
There was the sink incident - which I may have overreacted to because it reminded me of a memory I had of my parents - the walking in while I was having a shower to ask me where the television remote was incident, the eating his lunch in the kitchen without a shirt on incident- he said he 'accidently' spilled coffee down it and had to put it in the washer/dryer- and there were the many, many 'looking at me for no reason' incidents. I swear to God he was wearing on my panties
- Samantha Young
I have no reason to sit home and write songs all day without going out and playing for the folks. And I have no reason to go play for the folks unless I'm writing new songs so they can sort of feed off one another. And I just try to do the best I can.
- Guy Clark
There is no reason to assume that the universe has the slightest interest in intelligenceor even in life. Both may be random accidental by-products of its operations like the beautiful patterns on a butterfly's wings. The insect would fly just as well without them.
- Arthur C Clarke
It is a sad fact that all flesh must die, but there is no reason why one's story, as well as one's soul, should be slighted after the passage. The attraction artists feel for our cemeteries is only partly aesthetic; much of it is gossip, a continual whisper intended for the delighted ear. Marble without a story is just marble. A true monument leans over and murmurs in your ear.
- Andrei Codrescu
But critics of the war have no reason to regret their views.
- Stephen Cohen
Government! Three-fourths parasitic and the rest stupid fumbling - oh, Harshaw concluded that man, a social animal, could not avoid government, any more than an individual could escape bondage to his bowels. But simply because an evil was inescapable was no reason to term it "good." He wished that government would wander off and get lost! (96)
- Robert A Heinlein
There's no reason for Gillette to be world class on the web, but there's every reason for Gillette to be world class in producing billions of high powered razor blades at low cost.
- James Collins
I see no reason to have my shirts ironed. It's irrational.
- Barry Commoner
I never named anything I've written before
no reason to
it would all have the same title anyway
-for you-
but I would call this one
one night
that night
when we let the world be only you
and only me
we stood on it while it spun
green and blue and red
the music ended
but we
were still
- Ally Condie
An omnipotent God is the only being with no reason to lie.
- Mason Cooley
I think there's no reason the Davis Cup couldn't be as powerful and popular and profitable as any of the four majors are today, given some changes.
- Jim Courier
It is not given to us to know what difference we can make, and perhaps we can make no difference at all. But that is no reason not to make the attempt," said Saliman quietly. "The Light shines more brightly in the darkness.
- Alison Croggon
I have a really beautiful life right now, so there is no reason to be hostile. I'm a husband, a father and a man who tries to do the right thing in life and in my work.
- Ice Cube
Young people are dying for no reason all over the world that don't know why. It's ugly, everywhere.
- Ice Cube
There are some good people. But a good chunk of them will lie for no reason at all - it'll be ten o'clock and they'll tell you it's nine. You're looking at the clock and you can't even fathom why they're lying. They just lie because that's what they do.
- John Cusack
I'm hyperactive, and I went in the studio and I would just start making records, for no reason.
- Puff Daddy
I see no reason to keep silent about my enjoyment of the sound of my own voice as I work.
- Muriel Spark
There is no reason to regard God as immune from
consideration along the spectrum of probabilities. And there is
certainly no reason to suppose that, just because God can be neither
proved nor disproved, his probability of existence is 50 per cent.
- Richard Dawkins
He liked to make his hearers jump, now and then, and he said that our gravel pit was much the same sort of place as Gehenna. My elders thought this far-fetched, but I saw no reason why hell should not have, so to speak, visible branch establishments throughout the earth, and I have visited quite a few of them since.
- Robertson Davies
There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organization. If there are such things as angels, I hope that they are organized along the lines of the Mafia.
- Kurt Vonnegut
She was speaking in tongues?"
"What da f**k else she gonna speak with?" Veda rolled her eyes. I saw no reason to explai, so I let her go on.
- Sierra Dean
That's absolutely true, about the eight glasses a day. There's no reason whatsoever to drink eight glasses of water a day unless you, for whatever reason, particularly like the taste of water. Most experts agree that unless there's something horribly wrong with you, you should just drink water whenever you're - get this - thirsty.
- John Green
No reason to be angry. Anger just distracts from the all-encompassing sadness.
- John Green
There's no reason whatsoever to drink eight glasses of water a day unless you, for whatever reason, particularly like the taste of water
- John Green
I really am pretty boring. There's no reason to take pictures of me.
- Kat Dennings
I would, therefore, say that for no reason whatsoever, except in self-defence, should one think of killing any animal.
- Morarji Desai
Sometimes really, really bad things happen to people, and there is no explanation and no reason whatsoever.
- Sarah Dessen
Reader, do you think it is a terrible thing to hope when there is really no reason to hope at all? Or is it (as the soldier said about happiness) something that you might just as well do, since,in the end, it really makes no difference to anyone but you?
- Kate Dicamillo
If Nicholas be not always found to be blameless or agreeable, he is not always intended to appear so. He is a young man of an impetuous temper and of little or no experience; and I saw no reason why such a hero should be lifted out of nature.
- Charles Dickens
Even years afterward I suffered from the tormenting fancy that the huge man, my father, the ultimate authority, would come almost for no reason at all and take me out of bed in the night and carry me out onto the pavlatche, and that consequently I meant absolutely nothing as far as he was concerned.
- Franz Kafka
If they were shocked, then Gregor had no further responsibility and could be calm. But if they took everything calmly, he he, too, had no reason to get excited and could, if he hurried, actually be at the station by eight o'clock.
- Franz Kafka
From a technical point of view, there seemed to me to be absolutely no reason why - with the existing technology - we couldn't do very high quality audio, because whereas the boom in digital graphics is ongoing, the boom in digital audio has already happened.
- Thomas Dolby
For no reason, but the sunrise, the bay of Naples, the seayou look at them and it makes you sad. What's most revolting is that one is really sad! No, it's better at home. Here at least one blames others for everything and excuses oneself.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I love the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ; I therefore hatethe corrupt, slaveholding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial, and hypocritical Christianity of this land. Indeed, I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity. I look upon it as the climax of all misnomers, the boldest of all frauds, and the grossest of all libels.
- Frederick Douglass
The bad thing about falling into pieces is that it hurts. The good thing about it is that once you're lying there in shards you've got nothing left to protect, and so have no reason not to be honest
- David James Duncan
This had occurred to me. But for no reason I can dignify with anything higher than the authority of a two-hundred-year-old gut I didn't buy it.
"It's possible," I said. "Of course it's possible." "But you don't think so" "No. I'm not sure why."
Another silence, her intelligence working. Then a very slight smile. "It's because it would be less romantic," she said.
- Glen Duncan
When I was eight years old, I got a dummy for Christmas and started teaching myself. I got books and records and sat in front of the bathroom mirror, practising. I did my first show in the third grade and just kept going; there was no reason to quit.
- Jeff Dunham
I don't believe rape is inevitable or natural. If I did, I would have no reason to be here. If I did, my political practice would be different than it is. Have you ever wondered why we [women] are not just in armed combat against you? It's not because there's a shortage of kitchen knives in this country. It is because we believe in your humanity, against all the evidence.
- Andrea Dworkin
No reason to get excited,' the thief, he kindly spoke,
There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.
- Bob Dylan
This is what I love about life. The UP. You can be completely down and out, and in the next you feel like you're flying, for no reason at all.
- Kirsty Eagar
Without love, there is no reason to know anyone, for love will in the end connect us to our neighbors, our children and our hearts.
- Martin Luther King Jr
There's no reason you shouldn't, as a writer, not be aware of the necessity to revise yourself constantly.
- John Irving
There's no reason you should write any novel quickly.
- John Irving
Who am I kidding? I have no reason for being here other that the fact that I want to be near her.
- Simone Elkeles
While America's infrastructure needs are substantial, there is no reason to delay completion of the highway bill. Every day of delay means jobs lost, investment opportunities missed and growth sacrificed.
- John Engler
She teaches me that the world is made to be pounced on and enjoyed, and that there is absolutely no reason at all to hold back.
- Annie Ernaux
There's no reason that just because you're a celebrity you can't write.
- Gloria Estefan
no reason to mention my peculiarities, my wandering in the maze these many years, shut away from sight. and from love, too.
- Jeffrey Eugenides
Don't keep reaching for the stars because you'll just look like an idiot stretching that way for no reason.
- Jimmy Fallon
I recommend the same therapies for all humans with HIV. There is no reason to believe that physiologic responses to therapy will vary across lines of class, culture, race or nationality.
- Paul Farmer
Blessed are those who need no reasons other than their love for the Savior to keep his commandments.
- James E Faust
I think England has served me very well. I like living in London for the reasons I gave. I have absolutely no intentions of cutting those ties. There is absolutely no reason to do so. Certainly not, so that I can have a swimming pool and a palm tree.
- Colin Firth
Because one doesn't like the way things are is no reason to be unjust towards God.
- Victor Hugo
Not being heard is no reason for silence.
- Victor Hugo
It is inconceivable that even the gang who runs Russia would be willing to take on war, but one always has to remember that there seemed to be no reason in 1939 for Hitler to start war, and yet he did, and he started it with a world practically unprepared.
- James Forrestal
Life is good, and there's no reason to think it won't be--right up until the moment when everything explodes into a fireball of tiny, unrecognizable fragments, or it all goes skidding sideways, through the guardrail, over the embankment, and down the mountain. This will happen (and probably more than once).
- Michael J Fox
They have hopes and dreams that may echo or overlap your own. And there's no reason why you can't make room for them. But what's happening to you right now, precisely at this instant, belongs only to you. Own it... This is your moment. Let someone else take the picture... just smile.
- Michael J Fox
The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.
- Carl Sagan
I'm just a bleeping maniac in straight clothing. There's no reason to dress my monster up.
- Glenn Frey
America has the best doctors, the best nurses, the best hospitals, the best medical technology, the best medical breakthrough medicines in the world. There is absolutely no reason we should not have in this country the best health care in the world.
- Bill Frist
there is no reason why anyone should understand how it works... and of course no reason why anyone should care ... unless you are curious, in which case I love you, for curiosity about the world and all its corners is a beautiful thing.
- Stephen Fry
Filial respect caused Grey to hesitate in passing ex post facto opinions on his mother's judgment, but after half an hour in the company of either Paul or Edgar, he could not escape a lurking suspicion that a just Providence, seeing the DeVanes so well endowed with physical beauty, had determined that there was no reason to spoil the work by adding intelligence to the mix.
- Diana Gabaldon
First, I had no idea you were married. Somehow, I don't think Trillian knows, either."
"I married Smoky and Morio to forge a soul bond so I could use their powers to search for Trillian, since we thought he was captured and in danger." She stopped, blanching. "You mean I got married for no reason?"
Smoky cleared his throat. "I think we've just been insulted," he said.
Morio sniggered. "Sounds like it.
- Yasmine Galenorn
Sometimes all the procedures in the world can't protect you... but that's no reason to walk up to something that looks like a lion and kick it in the ass.
- James Alan Gardner
There is no reason for anyone in this country, anyone except a police officer or a military person, to buy, to own, to have, to use a handgun... and the only way to do that is to change the Constitution.
- Michael Gartner
I had no concerns - I had no reason to have concerns based on what was available to me about North's contacts with the private sector people, but I didn't think a CIA person should do it.
- Robert M Gates
Without Warning:
Sometimes your traveling a highway, the only road you've ever known and wham! A semi comes from nowhere and rolls right over you. Sometimes you don't wake up. But if you happen to, you know things will never be the same. Sometimes that's not so bad. Sometimes lives intersect, no rhyme, no reason, except, perhaps, for a passing semi.
- Ellen Hopkins
Sometimes you're traveling a highway, the only road you've ever known and wham! A semi comes from nowhere and rolls right over you. Sometimes you dont wake up. But if you happen to you know things will never be the same. Sometimes that's not so bad. Sometimes lives instersect, no rhyme, no reason, except, perhaps, for a passing semi.
- Ellen Hopkins
My earlier views of the unsoundness of the Christian scheme of salvation and the human origin of the scriptures have become clearer and stronger with advancing years, and I see no reason for thinking I shall ever change them.
- Abraham Lincoln
There is no reason why, with the huge potential for market out there in the world for fuel-efficient vehicles, we can't be the cutting edge for change.
- Jennifer M Granholm
There is just no reason why the richest nation in the world can't provide health care to all its people.
- Christine Gregoire
Just because one man calls him Allah and another calls him God is no reason for believers to be enemies
- Philippa Gregory
He wasn't in a safe little story where wrongs were automatically righted; he was still in the real world, where bad bitter things happened for no reason, and people paid for things that weren't their fault.
- Lev Grossman
When you have a very hot single there is no reason why it can't drive album sales. People fall off and come back on. I'm looking forward to coming back on with a vengeance.
- Justin Guarini
Let's look at people as artists and try to support them; just because Picasso painted a couple of bad paintings, that's no reason to say he's a lousy painter.
- Steve Guttenberg
It seems to me immensely unlikely that mind is a mere by-product of matter. For if my mental processes are determined wholly by the motions of atoms in my brain I have no reason to suppose that my beliefs are true. They may be sound chemically, but that does not make them sound logically. And hence I have no reason for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms.
- John B S Haldane
On the one hand, there is no reason that a black person needs to live a portion of his or her life being concerned about the people of color around him. On the other hand, if you don't you're crazy.
- Henry Hampton
Real friends. The kind that don't purposely hurt your feelings or stop liking you for no reason.
- Kristin Hannah
I think you have to control the materials to an extent, but it's important to let the materials have a kind of power for themselves; like the natural power of gravity, if you are painting on a wall, it makes the paint trickle and it drips; there is no reason to fight that.
- Keith Haring
Well, now I felt horrible. I'd marred perfectly good ass cheeks for no reason. It was as if I'd sneezed on the Mona Lisa.
- Molly Harper
Where we have reasons for what we believe, we have no need of faith; where we have no reasons, we have lost both our connection to the world and to one another.
- Sam Harris
Just because one of Arlene's husbands was a murderer is no reason for me to be ugly
- Charlaine Harris
We sit on the floor in front of his oscillating fan and talk sci-fi, and I am thinking how strange this is that I should be sitting peacefully with Henry Stagg in his bedroom when only a week or so ago he punched me in the face for no reason whatsoever.
- Pete Hautman
I should say upfront that I have never been in a cellar in my life. In fact, I can see no reason why anyone should ever go into a cellar unless there is wine involved.
- Rachel Hawkins
They were dancing around the fountain, arm in arm, in an old Dutch dance, their cheeks touching, their hands entwined. They had no music; they hummed. And there was no reason for them to be dancing that Peter Lake could see, except that it was an exceptionally beautiful night.
- Mark Helprin
Not my finest hour," he says, shaking his head.
"You realize you did it for no reason," I say. I tell him about talking to my dad and explain that I was crying because of that.
"That information would have been useful BEFORE I shoved him in the pool.
- Heather Hepler
There's no reason the Rangers can't get to the top.
- Tom Hicks
There was always a slug on the lettuce.
This was too good to be true.
He had never trusted Jester, and didn't trust David.
He wasn't going to let his gaurd down just yet.
Being carful had kept him alive this far.
There was no reason to stop being careful now.
- Charlie Higson
I'd be nervous about skiing, wondering what I'd do if I felt shaky on top of a mountain; but other diabetics do ski, so there's no reason I couldn't.
- Dana Hill
We shall have to pass through many a valley, many a narrow defile. Many will grow tired on the way. Of course they will mostly be those who have no reason to do so.
- Heinrich Himmler
I perfectly understood President Obama's attitude throughout the French presidential campaign. He had no reason to distance himself from Nicolas Sarkozy. It's the basic solidarity that leaders who worked together owe to each other.
- Francois Hollande
If you could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.
- Edward Hopper
When a man has no reason to trust himself, he trusts in luck.
- E W Howe
Hope is the light you follow; faith is believing there is actually a light--they are the refusal to give up when you have no reason to go on.
--Snake to Ara (Mark of Betrayal, Book 4 dark Secrets)
- A M Hudson
We're helping those children who cannot help themselves and giving a push to those who can. We've done it by working together for a common purpose. I see no reason to stop now.
- Jane D Hull
I see no reason for giving the capital employed in agriculture greater protection than the capital vested in other branches of trade, manufacture, or commerce.
- Joseph Hume
The second anniversary opened an internal crack in Sonia, a fissure through which she released the explosive feeling that had horrified her for two years. The conflagration that had burned so many, that had pushed people into the open air, onto the ledges from which they jumped, some of them on fire, had left its unspeakable images inside my niece....Sonia didn't want a world in which buildings fell down and wars were fought for no reason.
- Siri Hustvedt
A man has no reason to be ashamed of having an ape for his grandfather. If there were an ancestor whom I should feel shame in recalling it would rather be a man who plunges into scientific questions with which he has no real acquaintance, only to obscure them by an aimless rhetoric...
- Thomas Huxley
Mere lack of evidence, of course, is no reason to denounce a theory. Look at intelligent design. The fact that it is bollocks hasn't stopped a good many people from believing in it. Darwinism itself is only supported by tons of evidence, which is a clear indication that Darwin didn't write his books himself.
- Eric Idle
I felt slightly superior to student politics, for instance. I had no reason to think this, but I thought of myself as slightly more seasoned. I became quite cynical talking to my student friends.
- Kazuo Ishiguro
Frank, this case is a publicity stunt and a shakedown. My clients did nothing illegal, and you and I both know I'll have no problem proving that to a jury. So there's no reason to discuss your ridiculous settlement offer any further. Call me when somebody sees a penis.
- Julie James
There is no reasoning someone out of a position he has not reasoned himself into.
- Clive James
I'm of the mind that life is a risk, every time you leave your house it's a risk, and I see no reason to go through life with my hands tied behind my back for any reason. I'd be foolish to let something stop me from doing what I love to do.
- Thomas Jane
Only because The Runaways were my baby and there's no reason to get it back together except to totally have fun. If that's not the goal, then I don't want to do it.
- Joan Jett
Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
- Steve Jobs
I see no reason to hide who I am or what I look like.
- Lara St John
Listen, haircut...'
Did you just call me haircut?' he asked.
Yes. You know there's no reason we can't go online. It's crazy.'
Why'd you call me haircut?' he asked, touching his hair. 'Is it because I have a great haircut?'
You figure it out,' she answered.
-Clio and Aiden, Girl At Sea by Maureen Johnson
- Maureen Johnson
The only things that haven't worked for me are when I've held back. There's no reason to sell an idea short. The only risk would be to not fulfill the dream.
- Ron Johnson
- Amit Abraham
I do not know what is happening. The reason of my waking mind tells me that great evil has befallen and we stand at the end of days. But my heart says nay; and all my limbs are light, and a hope and joy are come to me that no reason can deny. I do not believe that darkness will endure!
- J R R Tolkien
Ford Prefect suppressed a little giggle of evil satisfaction, realized that he had no reason to suppress it, and laughed out loud, a wicked laugh.
- Douglas Adams
Rob McKenna was a miserable bastard and he knew it because he'd had a lot of people point it out to him over the years and he saw no reason to disagree with them except the obvious one which was that he liked disagreeing with people, particularly people he disliked, which included, at the last count, everybody.
- Douglas Adams
There were days that I literally had no reason to get out of bed. It just was so destructive for me.
- Joey Lauren Adams
That you honestly believe I am capable of hurting innocent people for no reason."
"You're not?" I asked, hope softening my voice.
"Oh, no, I'm more than capable. I just didn't realize you
knew that.
- Darynda Jones
I hope for some sort of peacebut I fear that machines are ahead of morals by some centuries and when morals catch up there'll be no reason for any of it.
- Harry S Truman
How else do you think life happens? A series of coincidences and occurrences have to happen somehow. Our lives all crash and collide and you think there's no reason or rhyme to it? If there wasn't any reason for it all, what would be the point? Why do you think anything happens at all? There is an outcome, repercussions and occurrences to everybody you meet and everything you say.
- Cecelia Ahern
Sometimes you feel bad about yourself when there's no reason to.
- Alvin Ailey
If you throw yourself into danger for no reason again, you will have become nothing more than a Dauntless adrenaline junkie looking for a hit, and I'm not going to help you do it." He spits the words out bitterly. "I love Tris the Divergent, who makes decisions apart from faction loyalty, who isn't some faction archetype. But the Tris who's trying as hard as she can to destroy herself... I can't love her.
- Veronica Roth
My mother told me once that we can't survive alone, but even if we could, we wouldn't want to. Without a faction we have no purpose and no reason to live.
- Veronica Roth
You're more than Dauntless," he says in a low voice. "But if you want to be just like them, hurling yourself into ridiculous situations for no reason and retaliating against your enemies without any regard for what's ethical, go right ahead. I thought you were better than that, but maybe I was wrong.
- Veronica Roth
To live factionless Is not just to live in poverty and discomfort; it is to live divorced from society, separated from the most important thing in life: community. My mother once told me that we can't survive alone,but even if we could, we wouldn't want to. Without a faction, we have no purpose and no reason to live.
- Veronica Roth
I used to think that cruelty required malice, but that is not true. Jeanine has no reason to act out of malice. But she is cruel because she doesn't care what she does, as long as it fascinates her. I may as well be a puzzle or a broken machine she wants to fix. She will break open my skull just to see the inner workings of my brain; I will die here, and that will be the merciful thing.
- Veronica Roth
One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.
- Paulo Coelho
A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires.
- Paulo Coelho
I'm afraid that if my dream is realized, I'll have no reason to go on living.
- Paulo Coelho
Because they are mean is no reason why I should be. I hate such things, and though I think I've a right to be hurt, I don't intend to show it. (Amy March)
- Louisa May Alcott
Will. It doesn't matter--"
"Nothing matters more!" His voice grew in strength. "I know that if you hate me it is because I forced you to. I know that you have no reason to give me a second chance to be regarded by you in a different light. But I am begging you for that chance. I will do anything. Anything.
- Cassandra Clare
There's no reason for any warlock to be interested in her unless he's in the market for nonfunctional crystal balls.
- Cassandra Clare
You look lousy,' he said.
Jace blinked. 'Seems an odd time to start an insult contest, but if you insist, I could probably think up something good.'
'No I mean it. You don't look good.'
'This is from a guy ho has all the sex appeal of a penguin. Look, I realize you may be jealous that the good Lord didn't deal you the same chiseled hand he dealt me, but that's no reason to-'
'I am not trying to insult you.' Simon snapped.
- Cassandra Clare
Even in the worst tragedies and crisis, there's no reason to add to everyone's misery by looking miserable yourself.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Well, I always tried to look nice and be feminine even in the worst tragedies and crisis, there's no reason to add to everyone's misery by looking miserable yourself. That's my philosophy. This is why I always wore makeup and jewelry into the jungle-nothing too extravagant, but maybe just a nice gold bracelet and some earrings, a little lipstick, good perfume. Just enough to show that I still had my self-respect.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare against the wind and the cold, wintery light. But you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person died for no reason.
- Ernest Hemingway
But you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason.
- Ernest Hemingway
For both of us, I think, it had to do with our weakened power to love. It is strange that enslavement should have that effect not just the fantastic degradation, not just the fear and the boredom and all the rest, but also the layered injustice, the silent injustice. So all right. We're back where we started. To you, nothing from you, everything. They took it from me, it seems, for no reason, other than that I value it so much.
- Martin Amis
Dealing with global warming doesn't mean we have all got to suddenly stop breathing. Dealing with global warming means that we have to stop waste, and if you travel for no reason whatsoever, that is a waste.
- David Attenborough
These things sneak up on him for no reason, these flashes of irrational happiness. It's probably a vitamin deficiency.
- Margaret Atwood
There is no reason in the world why you should not be important where you are known. You have good sense, and a sweet temper, and I am sure you have a grateful heart, that could never receive kindness without hoping to return it. I do not know any better qualifications for a friend and companion.
- Jane Austen
There," she said triumphantly. "Like that."
He began to wonder if they were speaking the same language.
"Like what?"
"That! What you just said."
He crossed his arms. It seemed the only acceptable reply. If she
couldn't speak in complete sentences, he saw no reason why he
had to speak at all.
- Julia Quinn
There is no reason for you to try to become like white people and there is no basis whatever for their impertinent assumption that *they* must accept *you*. The really terrible thing, old buddy, is that you must accept them. And I mean that very seriously. You must accept them and accept them with love.
- James Baldwin
One tree isn't more important than the entire forest, Joe. You taught me that. Remember? Political pruning. (Syd)
Yeah, but every forest is always destroyed one tree at a time. You take care of those individual trees because each one that falls brings you closer to deforestation. You only prune what's rotten. You don't cut down a good tree for no reason. (Joe)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
I have no reason to lie. But if you want to hang out here and get eaten, far be it from me to stop you. As is, my ass is fertilizer if they catch me talking to you. (Jaden)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
You lied about knowing me. You could lie about anything. People lie all the time, usually for no reason whatsoever. (Aiden)
But I'm not lying about being hungry. Could you toss me a piece of bread before the interrogation continues? Or do I have to beat your butt for a spoonful of peanut butter? (Leta)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
There's no reason for you to know all that about me. My memories have never served good to anyone. (Acheron)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
What if one of her father's soldiers panicked and fired for no reason? Though pilots were carefully trained, mistakes happened and she didn't want to be included in a statistics report under "uh-oh, my bad."' (Kiara)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
There is no reason that the universe should be designed for our convenience.
- John D Barrow
I could see no reason for being sad. It's just that it makes me unhappy not to feel happy.
- Simone De Beauvoir
It is only on the battlefield of ideas that the best ones can be recognized and ultimately prevail. Only those afraid of the truth seek to silence debate, intimidate those with whom they disagree, or slander their ideological counterparts. Those who know they are right have no reason to stifle debate because they realize that all opposing arguments will ultimately be overcome by fact.
- Glenn Beck
Only those afraid of the truth seek to silence debate, intimidate those with whom they disagree, or slander their ideological counterparts. Those who know they are right have no reason to stifle debate because they realize that all opposing arguments will ultimately be overcome by fact.
- Glenn Beck
To lose one's life is no great matter; when the time comes I'll have the courage to lose mine. But what's intolerable is to see one's life being drained of meaning, to be told there's no reason for existing. A man can't live without some reason for living.
- Albert Camus
It is always tedious when someone tells you that if you don't stop crying, they will give you something to cry about, because if you are crying then you already have something to cry about, and so there is no reason for them to give you anything additional to cry about, thank you very much.
- Lemony Snicket
Just because something is traditional is no reason to do it, of course.
- Lemony Snicket
See, I think if it just became who's sleeping with whom, then there's no reason to prefer one party over the other, 'cause the truth is we're all sinners.
- Paul Begala
I have a crusade against fondant, also shortening. There's no reason why wedding cakes can't taste good if you know what you're doing.
- Ron Benisrael
There is no knowing how or why dread comes on a parent. Of course, many times apprehension arises when there is no reason for it at all. And it comes most often to the parents of only children, parents who have indulged in black dreams of loss.
- John Steinbeck
If then this tendency toward collectivization is a mutation there is no reason to suppose it is for the better. It is a rule in paleontology that ornamentation and complication precede extinction. And our mutation, of which the assembly line, the collective farm, the mechanized army, and the mass production of food are evidences or even symptoms, might well correspond to the thickening armor of the great reptilesa tendency that can end only in extinction.
- John Steinbeck
I don't think dreams mean anything; they just are. There's no reason to translate them into logic.
- Aase Berg
Never again! I can see no reason for marriage - ever at all. I've had it. Three times is enough.
- Ingrid Bergman
Oh, Daja," moaned Jory, "you sound just like my parents." She ran from the schoolroom.
"Well, there's no reason to insult me, "muttered Daja, half offended.
- Tamora Pierce
Unless hours were cups of sack, and minutes capons, and clocks the tongues of bawds, and dials the signs of leaping-houses, and the blessed sun himself a fair hot wench in flame-colored taffeta, I see no reason why thou shouldst be so superfluous to demand the time of the day.
- William Shakespeare
I don't want to change sides and just be told what to do. There's no reason to change if I do that.
- Ray Bradbury
It occurs to me that even though Zoya and I are both still alive, my life is already over. She will be taken from me soon and there will be no reason for me to continue without her. We are one person, you see. We are GeorgyandZoya.
- John Boyne
In his heart, he knew that there was no reason to be impolite to someone, even if they did work for you. There was such a thing as manners after all.
- John Boyne
My husband and I were very in love, and I had no reason to suspect that his interests lay anywhere else.
- Marion Zimmer Bradley
There is no reason why agreement on particular points should not be both possible and advantageous to the so-called neutrals and to one or more of the blocs, either existing or in the process of formation, within the League of Nations.
- Hjalmar Branting
A sombrero fell out of the sky and landed on the main street of town in front of the mayor, his cousin, and a person out of work. The day was scrubbed clean by the desert air. The sky was blue. It was the blue of human eyes, waiting for something to happen. There was no reason for a sombrero to fall out of the sky. No airplane or helicopter was passing overhead and it was not a religious holiday.
- Richard Brautigan
You don't know me, dude," he says, not smiling this time. Gonzo examines his cards, prepping for his next move. "People always think that they know other people, but they don't. Not really. I mean, maybe they know things about them, like they won't eat doughnuts or they like action movies or whatever. But they don't know what their friends do in their rooms alone at night or what happened to them when they were kids or if they feel ****ed up for no reason at all.
- Libba Bray
Each day, you get an ounce more confidence. When we're playing like we are, there's no reason not to.
- Drew Brees
Okay, no reason to have a heart attack. He's just a guy.... the yummiest guy in Yum City.
- Kate Brian
The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams no reasons are necessary.
- Ashleigh Brilliant
If language is lost, humanity is lost. If writing is lost, certain kinds of civilization and society are lost, but many other kinds remain - and there is no reason to think that those alternatives are inferior.
- Robert Bringhurst
Josh: I didn't know....
Nicholas: No reason why you should have - except that your ignorance could have gotten you killed... or worse.
- Michael Scott
This death cult has no reason and is beyond negotiation. This is what makes it so frightening. This is what causes so many to engage in a sort of mental diversion. They don't want to confront this horror. So they rush off in search of more comprehensible things to hate.
- David Brooks
Just because we cannot see clearly te end of the road, that is no reason for not setting out on the essential journey.
- John F Kennedy
He wanted to say that all this talk of feelings was irrelevant. That
emotions come and go and can't be controlled, so there's no reason to worry about them. That in the end, people should be judged by their actions, since in the end, it was actions that defined everyone.
- Nicholas Sparks
Emotions come and go and can't be controlled so there's no reason to worry about them. That in the end, people should be judged by their actions since in the end it was actions that defined everyone.
- Nicholas Sparks
Being in love, I find myself smiling for no reason at all..
- Nicholas Sparks
In office buildings and retail premises in which entry is through double doors and one of those doors is locked for no reason, the door must bear a large sign saying: This Door Is Locked for No Reason.
- Bill Bryson
... true evil needs no reason to exist, it simply is and feeds upon itself.
- E A Bucchianeri
Seeing that a Pilot steers the ship in which we sail, who will never allow us to perish even in the midst of shipwrecks, there is no reason why our minds should be overwhelmed with fear and overcome with weariness.
- John Calvin
We cut the throat of a calf and hang it up by the heels to bleed to death so that our veal cutlet may be white; we nail geese to a board and cram them with food because we like the taste of liver disease; we tear birds to pieces to decorate our women's hats; we mutilate domestic animals for no reason at all except to follow an instinctively cruel fashion; and we connive at the most abominable tortures in the hope of discovering some magical cure for our own diseases by them.
- George Bernard Shaw
The crazy ones only laugh when there is no reason to laugh.
- Charles Bukowski
Either things happen for a reason, or they happen for no reason at all. Either one's life is a thread in a glorious tapestry or humanity is just a hopelessly tangled knot.
- Neal Shusterman
There is no reason why marriage should necessarily compel an actress to forego her career.
- Billie Burke
Look at us! Are we not proof that there is no good, no evil, no truth, no reason? Are we not proof that the universe is a drooling idiot with no fashion sense - Mr Nobody on the fundamental philosophy of the Brotherhood of DADA
- Grant Morrison
I realize at one point, that I was being followed, and then I began to see the surveillance that was going past the road on my house. And so, these cars began to surveil me. People began to follow me around, and it did, it was very disrupting to think that your privacy was being violated, and for no reason that I could come up with.
- Gloria Naylor
I remember at 16 years old, growing up in Queens, we were punks, but hey, when we went to the theater, we wore a shirt and tie! Similarly, I believe that to keep movie theaters in existence, they're gonna have to make 'em an event, have a couch, a table and drinks or something. Otherwise, there's no reason to get out of your bed!
- James Caan
The first question I ask myself when something doesn't seem to be beautiful is why do I think it's not beautiful. And very shortly you discover that there is no reason.
- John Cage
She was staring at you.''
''What can I say? Irresistible.'' ''Shane, it's not funny. I justyou should be careful.''
''Always am.'' Which was an absolute lie. Shane's eyes fixed on hers, and she felt a burst of heat inside that crept up to burn in her cheeks. He smiled slowly.
''No reason. I like my ladies with a pulse.
- Rachel Caine
"No reason. I like my ladies with a pulse.
- Rachel Caine
The obvious effect of frivolous divorce will be frivolous marriage. If people can be separated for no reason they will feel it all the easier to be united for no reason.
- Gilbert K Chesterton
It's always fun to walk down the street with or behind a really beautiful woman, for no reason other than to see how the world reacts to them.
- Jonathan Carroll
I emphasize the distinction between brackets and no brackets because it will affect your reading experience, if you will allow it. Brackets are exciting. Even though you are approaching Sappho in translation, that is no reason you should miss the drama of trying to read a papyrus torn in half or riddled with holes or smaller than a postage stamp--brackets imply a free space of imaginal adventure.
- Anne Carson
I was still carrying the tuba, for no reason other than that, in my current circumstances, it passed for good company. That's another way of saying it was all I had.
- Michael Chabon
...because God knows everything about us, cares about us, helps us, and listens to us whenever we turn to Him, we are not carrying our burdens alone. We therefore have no reason to be bitter.
- Elizabeth George
For every mother who ever cursed God for her child dead in the road, for every father who ever cursed the man who sent him away from the factory with no job, for every child who was ever born to pain and asked why, this is the answer. Our lives are like these things I build. Sometimes they fall down for a reason, sometimes they fall down for no reason at all.
- Stephen King
Is there any knowledge in the world which is so certain that no reasonable man could doubt it?
- Bertrand Russell
There is no reason to suppose that the world had a beginning at all. The idea that things must have a beginning is really due to the poverty of our thoughts.
- Bertrand Russell
Trust your instinct to the end, though you can render no reason.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that's no reason not to give it.
- Agatha Christie
For the producers, there was no reason to produce. You get money, but you couldn't use this money. For consumers, you could have money, but you have no way to use it because you go to the shop and see nothing.
- Anatoly Chubais
Only optimists commit suicide, optimists who no longer succeed at being optimists. The others, having no reason to live, why would they have any to die?
- Emil Cioran
There was the sink incident - which I may have overreacted to because it reminded me of a memory I had of my parents - the walking in while I was having a shower to ask me where the television remote was incident, the eating his lunch in the kitchen without a shirt on incident- he said he 'accidently' spilled coffee down it and had to put it in the washer/dryer- and there were the many, many 'looking at me for no reason' incidents. I swear to God he was wearing on my panties
- Samantha Young
I have no reason to sit home and write songs all day without going out and playing for the folks. And I have no reason to go play for the folks unless I'm writing new songs so they can sort of feed off one another. And I just try to do the best I can.
- Guy Clark
There is no reason to assume that the universe has the slightest interest in intelligenceor even in life. Both may be random accidental by-products of its operations like the beautiful patterns on a butterfly's wings. The insect would fly just as well without them.
- Arthur C Clarke
It is a sad fact that all flesh must die, but there is no reason why one's story, as well as one's soul, should be slighted after the passage. The attraction artists feel for our cemeteries is only partly aesthetic; much of it is gossip, a continual whisper intended for the delighted ear. Marble without a story is just marble. A true monument leans over and murmurs in your ear.
- Andrei Codrescu
But critics of the war have no reason to regret their views.
- Stephen Cohen
Government! Three-fourths parasitic and the rest stupid fumbling - oh, Harshaw concluded that man, a social animal, could not avoid government, any more than an individual could escape bondage to his bowels. But simply because an evil was inescapable was no reason to term it "good." He wished that government would wander off and get lost! (96)
- Robert A Heinlein
There's no reason for Gillette to be world class on the web, but there's every reason for Gillette to be world class in producing billions of high powered razor blades at low cost.
- James Collins
I see no reason to have my shirts ironed. It's irrational.
- Barry Commoner
I never named anything I've written before
no reason to
it would all have the same title anyway
-for you-
but I would call this one
one night
that night
when we let the world be only you
and only me
we stood on it while it spun
green and blue and red
the music ended
but we
were still
- Ally Condie
An omnipotent God is the only being with no reason to lie.
- Mason Cooley
I think there's no reason the Davis Cup couldn't be as powerful and popular and profitable as any of the four majors are today, given some changes.
- Jim Courier
It is not given to us to know what difference we can make, and perhaps we can make no difference at all. But that is no reason not to make the attempt," said Saliman quietly. "The Light shines more brightly in the darkness.
- Alison Croggon
I have a really beautiful life right now, so there is no reason to be hostile. I'm a husband, a father and a man who tries to do the right thing in life and in my work.
- Ice Cube
Young people are dying for no reason all over the world that don't know why. It's ugly, everywhere.
- Ice Cube
There are some good people. But a good chunk of them will lie for no reason at all - it'll be ten o'clock and they'll tell you it's nine. You're looking at the clock and you can't even fathom why they're lying. They just lie because that's what they do.
- John Cusack
I'm hyperactive, and I went in the studio and I would just start making records, for no reason.
- Puff Daddy
I see no reason to keep silent about my enjoyment of the sound of my own voice as I work.
- Muriel Spark
There is no reason to regard God as immune from
consideration along the spectrum of probabilities. And there is
certainly no reason to suppose that, just because God can be neither
proved nor disproved, his probability of existence is 50 per cent.
- Richard Dawkins
He liked to make his hearers jump, now and then, and he said that our gravel pit was much the same sort of place as Gehenna. My elders thought this far-fetched, but I saw no reason why hell should not have, so to speak, visible branch establishments throughout the earth, and I have visited quite a few of them since.
- Robertson Davies
There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organization. If there are such things as angels, I hope that they are organized along the lines of the Mafia.
- Kurt Vonnegut
She was speaking in tongues?"
"What da f**k else she gonna speak with?" Veda rolled her eyes. I saw no reason to explai, so I let her go on.
- Sierra Dean
That's absolutely true, about the eight glasses a day. There's no reason whatsoever to drink eight glasses of water a day unless you, for whatever reason, particularly like the taste of water. Most experts agree that unless there's something horribly wrong with you, you should just drink water whenever you're - get this - thirsty.
- John Green
No reason to be angry. Anger just distracts from the all-encompassing sadness.
- John Green
There's no reason whatsoever to drink eight glasses of water a day unless you, for whatever reason, particularly like the taste of water
- John Green
I really am pretty boring. There's no reason to take pictures of me.
- Kat Dennings
I would, therefore, say that for no reason whatsoever, except in self-defence, should one think of killing any animal.
- Morarji Desai
Sometimes really, really bad things happen to people, and there is no explanation and no reason whatsoever.
- Sarah Dessen
Reader, do you think it is a terrible thing to hope when there is really no reason to hope at all? Or is it (as the soldier said about happiness) something that you might just as well do, since,in the end, it really makes no difference to anyone but you?
- Kate Dicamillo
If Nicholas be not always found to be blameless or agreeable, he is not always intended to appear so. He is a young man of an impetuous temper and of little or no experience; and I saw no reason why such a hero should be lifted out of nature.
- Charles Dickens
Even years afterward I suffered from the tormenting fancy that the huge man, my father, the ultimate authority, would come almost for no reason at all and take me out of bed in the night and carry me out onto the pavlatche, and that consequently I meant absolutely nothing as far as he was concerned.
- Franz Kafka
If they were shocked, then Gregor had no further responsibility and could be calm. But if they took everything calmly, he he, too, had no reason to get excited and could, if he hurried, actually be at the station by eight o'clock.
- Franz Kafka
From a technical point of view, there seemed to me to be absolutely no reason why - with the existing technology - we couldn't do very high quality audio, because whereas the boom in digital graphics is ongoing, the boom in digital audio has already happened.
- Thomas Dolby
For no reason, but the sunrise, the bay of Naples, the seayou look at them and it makes you sad. What's most revolting is that one is really sad! No, it's better at home. Here at least one blames others for everything and excuses oneself.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I love the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ; I therefore hatethe corrupt, slaveholding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial, and hypocritical Christianity of this land. Indeed, I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity. I look upon it as the climax of all misnomers, the boldest of all frauds, and the grossest of all libels.
- Frederick Douglass
The bad thing about falling into pieces is that it hurts. The good thing about it is that once you're lying there in shards you've got nothing left to protect, and so have no reason not to be honest
- David James Duncan
This had occurred to me. But for no reason I can dignify with anything higher than the authority of a two-hundred-year-old gut I didn't buy it.
"It's possible," I said. "Of course it's possible." "But you don't think so" "No. I'm not sure why."
Another silence, her intelligence working. Then a very slight smile. "It's because it would be less romantic," she said.
- Glen Duncan
When I was eight years old, I got a dummy for Christmas and started teaching myself. I got books and records and sat in front of the bathroom mirror, practising. I did my first show in the third grade and just kept going; there was no reason to quit.
- Jeff Dunham
I don't believe rape is inevitable or natural. If I did, I would have no reason to be here. If I did, my political practice would be different than it is. Have you ever wondered why we [women] are not just in armed combat against you? It's not because there's a shortage of kitchen knives in this country. It is because we believe in your humanity, against all the evidence.
- Andrea Dworkin
No reason to get excited,' the thief, he kindly spoke,
There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.
- Bob Dylan
This is what I love about life. The UP. You can be completely down and out, and in the next you feel like you're flying, for no reason at all.
- Kirsty Eagar
Without love, there is no reason to know anyone, for love will in the end connect us to our neighbors, our children and our hearts.
- Martin Luther King Jr
There's no reason you shouldn't, as a writer, not be aware of the necessity to revise yourself constantly.
- John Irving
There's no reason you should write any novel quickly.
- John Irving
Who am I kidding? I have no reason for being here other that the fact that I want to be near her.
- Simone Elkeles
While America's infrastructure needs are substantial, there is no reason to delay completion of the highway bill. Every day of delay means jobs lost, investment opportunities missed and growth sacrificed.
- John Engler
She teaches me that the world is made to be pounced on and enjoyed, and that there is absolutely no reason at all to hold back.
- Annie Ernaux
There's no reason that just because you're a celebrity you can't write.
- Gloria Estefan
no reason to mention my peculiarities, my wandering in the maze these many years, shut away from sight. and from love, too.
- Jeffrey Eugenides
Don't keep reaching for the stars because you'll just look like an idiot stretching that way for no reason.
- Jimmy Fallon
I recommend the same therapies for all humans with HIV. There is no reason to believe that physiologic responses to therapy will vary across lines of class, culture, race or nationality.
- Paul Farmer
Blessed are those who need no reasons other than their love for the Savior to keep his commandments.
- James E Faust
I think England has served me very well. I like living in London for the reasons I gave. I have absolutely no intentions of cutting those ties. There is absolutely no reason to do so. Certainly not, so that I can have a swimming pool and a palm tree.
- Colin Firth
Because one doesn't like the way things are is no reason to be unjust towards God.
- Victor Hugo
Not being heard is no reason for silence.
- Victor Hugo
It is inconceivable that even the gang who runs Russia would be willing to take on war, but one always has to remember that there seemed to be no reason in 1939 for Hitler to start war, and yet he did, and he started it with a world practically unprepared.
- James Forrestal
Life is good, and there's no reason to think it won't be--right up until the moment when everything explodes into a fireball of tiny, unrecognizable fragments, or it all goes skidding sideways, through the guardrail, over the embankment, and down the mountain. This will happen (and probably more than once).
- Michael J Fox
They have hopes and dreams that may echo or overlap your own. And there's no reason why you can't make room for them. But what's happening to you right now, precisely at this instant, belongs only to you. Own it... This is your moment. Let someone else take the picture... just smile.
- Michael J Fox
The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.
- Carl Sagan
I'm just a bleeping maniac in straight clothing. There's no reason to dress my monster up.
- Glenn Frey
America has the best doctors, the best nurses, the best hospitals, the best medical technology, the best medical breakthrough medicines in the world. There is absolutely no reason we should not have in this country the best health care in the world.
- Bill Frist
there is no reason why anyone should understand how it works... and of course no reason why anyone should care ... unless you are curious, in which case I love you, for curiosity about the world and all its corners is a beautiful thing.
- Stephen Fry
Filial respect caused Grey to hesitate in passing ex post facto opinions on his mother's judgment, but after half an hour in the company of either Paul or Edgar, he could not escape a lurking suspicion that a just Providence, seeing the DeVanes so well endowed with physical beauty, had determined that there was no reason to spoil the work by adding intelligence to the mix.
- Diana Gabaldon
First, I had no idea you were married. Somehow, I don't think Trillian knows, either."
"I married Smoky and Morio to forge a soul bond so I could use their powers to search for Trillian, since we thought he was captured and in danger." She stopped, blanching. "You mean I got married for no reason?"
Smoky cleared his throat. "I think we've just been insulted," he said.
Morio sniggered. "Sounds like it.
- Yasmine Galenorn
Sometimes all the procedures in the world can't protect you... but that's no reason to walk up to something that looks like a lion and kick it in the ass.
- James Alan Gardner
There is no reason for anyone in this country, anyone except a police officer or a military person, to buy, to own, to have, to use a handgun... and the only way to do that is to change the Constitution.
- Michael Gartner
I had no concerns - I had no reason to have concerns based on what was available to me about North's contacts with the private sector people, but I didn't think a CIA person should do it.
- Robert M Gates
Without Warning:
Sometimes your traveling a highway, the only road you've ever known and wham! A semi comes from nowhere and rolls right over you. Sometimes you don't wake up. But if you happen to, you know things will never be the same. Sometimes that's not so bad. Sometimes lives intersect, no rhyme, no reason, except, perhaps, for a passing semi.
- Ellen Hopkins
Sometimes you're traveling a highway, the only road you've ever known and wham! A semi comes from nowhere and rolls right over you. Sometimes you dont wake up. But if you happen to you know things will never be the same. Sometimes that's not so bad. Sometimes lives instersect, no rhyme, no reason, except, perhaps, for a passing semi.
- Ellen Hopkins
My earlier views of the unsoundness of the Christian scheme of salvation and the human origin of the scriptures have become clearer and stronger with advancing years, and I see no reason for thinking I shall ever change them.
- Abraham Lincoln
There is no reason why, with the huge potential for market out there in the world for fuel-efficient vehicles, we can't be the cutting edge for change.
- Jennifer M Granholm
There is just no reason why the richest nation in the world can't provide health care to all its people.
- Christine Gregoire
Just because one man calls him Allah and another calls him God is no reason for believers to be enemies
- Philippa Gregory
He wasn't in a safe little story where wrongs were automatically righted; he was still in the real world, where bad bitter things happened for no reason, and people paid for things that weren't their fault.
- Lev Grossman
When you have a very hot single there is no reason why it can't drive album sales. People fall off and come back on. I'm looking forward to coming back on with a vengeance.
- Justin Guarini
Let's look at people as artists and try to support them; just because Picasso painted a couple of bad paintings, that's no reason to say he's a lousy painter.
- Steve Guttenberg
It seems to me immensely unlikely that mind is a mere by-product of matter. For if my mental processes are determined wholly by the motions of atoms in my brain I have no reason to suppose that my beliefs are true. They may be sound chemically, but that does not make them sound logically. And hence I have no reason for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms.
- John B S Haldane
On the one hand, there is no reason that a black person needs to live a portion of his or her life being concerned about the people of color around him. On the other hand, if you don't you're crazy.
- Henry Hampton
Real friends. The kind that don't purposely hurt your feelings or stop liking you for no reason.
- Kristin Hannah
I think you have to control the materials to an extent, but it's important to let the materials have a kind of power for themselves; like the natural power of gravity, if you are painting on a wall, it makes the paint trickle and it drips; there is no reason to fight that.
- Keith Haring
Well, now I felt horrible. I'd marred perfectly good ass cheeks for no reason. It was as if I'd sneezed on the Mona Lisa.
- Molly Harper
Where we have reasons for what we believe, we have no need of faith; where we have no reasons, we have lost both our connection to the world and to one another.
- Sam Harris
Just because one of Arlene's husbands was a murderer is no reason for me to be ugly
- Charlaine Harris
We sit on the floor in front of his oscillating fan and talk sci-fi, and I am thinking how strange this is that I should be sitting peacefully with Henry Stagg in his bedroom when only a week or so ago he punched me in the face for no reason whatsoever.
- Pete Hautman
I should say upfront that I have never been in a cellar in my life. In fact, I can see no reason why anyone should ever go into a cellar unless there is wine involved.
- Rachel Hawkins
They were dancing around the fountain, arm in arm, in an old Dutch dance, their cheeks touching, their hands entwined. They had no music; they hummed. And there was no reason for them to be dancing that Peter Lake could see, except that it was an exceptionally beautiful night.
- Mark Helprin
Not my finest hour," he says, shaking his head.
"You realize you did it for no reason," I say. I tell him about talking to my dad and explain that I was crying because of that.
"That information would have been useful BEFORE I shoved him in the pool.
- Heather Hepler
There's no reason the Rangers can't get to the top.
- Tom Hicks
There was always a slug on the lettuce.
This was too good to be true.
He had never trusted Jester, and didn't trust David.
He wasn't going to let his gaurd down just yet.
Being carful had kept him alive this far.
There was no reason to stop being careful now.
- Charlie Higson
I'd be nervous about skiing, wondering what I'd do if I felt shaky on top of a mountain; but other diabetics do ski, so there's no reason I couldn't.
- Dana Hill
We shall have to pass through many a valley, many a narrow defile. Many will grow tired on the way. Of course they will mostly be those who have no reason to do so.
- Heinrich Himmler
I perfectly understood President Obama's attitude throughout the French presidential campaign. He had no reason to distance himself from Nicolas Sarkozy. It's the basic solidarity that leaders who worked together owe to each other.
- Francois Hollande
If you could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.
- Edward Hopper
When a man has no reason to trust himself, he trusts in luck.
- E W Howe
Hope is the light you follow; faith is believing there is actually a light--they are the refusal to give up when you have no reason to go on.
--Snake to Ara (Mark of Betrayal, Book 4 dark Secrets)
- A M Hudson
We're helping those children who cannot help themselves and giving a push to those who can. We've done it by working together for a common purpose. I see no reason to stop now.
- Jane D Hull
I see no reason for giving the capital employed in agriculture greater protection than the capital vested in other branches of trade, manufacture, or commerce.
- Joseph Hume
The second anniversary opened an internal crack in Sonia, a fissure through which she released the explosive feeling that had horrified her for two years. The conflagration that had burned so many, that had pushed people into the open air, onto the ledges from which they jumped, some of them on fire, had left its unspeakable images inside my niece....Sonia didn't want a world in which buildings fell down and wars were fought for no reason.
- Siri Hustvedt
A man has no reason to be ashamed of having an ape for his grandfather. If there were an ancestor whom I should feel shame in recalling it would rather be a man who plunges into scientific questions with which he has no real acquaintance, only to obscure them by an aimless rhetoric...
- Thomas Huxley
Mere lack of evidence, of course, is no reason to denounce a theory. Look at intelligent design. The fact that it is bollocks hasn't stopped a good many people from believing in it. Darwinism itself is only supported by tons of evidence, which is a clear indication that Darwin didn't write his books himself.
- Eric Idle
I felt slightly superior to student politics, for instance. I had no reason to think this, but I thought of myself as slightly more seasoned. I became quite cynical talking to my student friends.
- Kazuo Ishiguro
Frank, this case is a publicity stunt and a shakedown. My clients did nothing illegal, and you and I both know I'll have no problem proving that to a jury. So there's no reason to discuss your ridiculous settlement offer any further. Call me when somebody sees a penis.
- Julie James
There is no reasoning someone out of a position he has not reasoned himself into.
- Clive James
I'm of the mind that life is a risk, every time you leave your house it's a risk, and I see no reason to go through life with my hands tied behind my back for any reason. I'd be foolish to let something stop me from doing what I love to do.
- Thomas Jane
Only because The Runaways were my baby and there's no reason to get it back together except to totally have fun. If that's not the goal, then I don't want to do it.
- Joan Jett
Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
- Steve Jobs
I see no reason to hide who I am or what I look like.
- Lara St John
Listen, haircut...'
Did you just call me haircut?' he asked.
Yes. You know there's no reason we can't go online. It's crazy.'
Why'd you call me haircut?' he asked, touching his hair. 'Is it because I have a great haircut?'
You figure it out,' she answered.
-Clio and Aiden, Girl At Sea by Maureen Johnson
- Maureen Johnson
The only things that haven't worked for me are when I've held back. There's no reason to sell an idea short. The only risk would be to not fulfill the dream.
- Ron Johnson
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