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The Age Quotes

Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.
- Mark Twain

There are things which some people never attempt during their whole lives, but one of these is not poetry. Poetry attacks all human beings sooner or later, and, like the measles, is mild or violent according to the age of the sufferer.
- Mark Twain

Today more than ever we need creative minds to address the issues of the age. And one of the most urgent is this: How can humanity know so much, achieve so much, and still fail so many people so badly?
- King Abdullah Ii

We have progressed from the stone age and moved on to the age of stone hearted people
- Amit Abraham

By the age of seven, as an eldest boy, I was expected to help the family with the money. !!!!!!!!!!
- Izzeldin Abuelaish

John: 'I think the music reflects the state that the society is in. It doesn't suggest the state. I think the poets and musicians and artists are of the age - not only do they lead the age on, but they also reflect that age. Like The Beatles. We came out of Liverpool and we reflected our background and we reflected our thoughts in what we sang, and that's all people are doing.
- John Lennon

The rest of August passes with Xerox monotony, each day a photocopy of the one before as I wait until my first gig. The only thing I'm learning working for the Agent of Evil is that bitterness is a contagious disease, a virus spread by aural contact. I try to remain immune by embracing my alter ego, telling myself that it's not Edward Zanni who has to deliver a cup of Irving's pee to his urologist on a sweltering subway; it's Alan, Lucifer's piss boy.
It doesn't work.
- Marc Acito

Hold your ground, hold your ground! Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!
- J R R Tolkien

I remember being in Hollywood at the age of 16 and marveling at the stars. The idea of being part of it never entered my mind. It was too far-fetched.
- Bryan Adams

But if republicans are to prevail, if the peace process is to be successfully concluded and Irish sovereignty and re-unification secured, then we have to set the agenda - no-one else is going to do that.
- Gerry Adams

Woman throughout the ages has been mistress to the law, as man has been its master.
- Freda Adler

In the age of the individual's liquidation, the question of individuality must be raised anew.
- Theodor Adorno

But as surely as the moon rises and the sun sets, depravity passes down through the ages, because there is always a gap between who we are and who we should be, and our parents, molested by regret, conceive us under the false hope that we will be better than them, and everything they do, every hug and blow, only makes certain that we never will be.
- Chris Adrian

At the age of nineteen and a half, I went to the Land of Israel to till its soil and live by the labour of my hands. As I did not find work, I sought my livelihood elsewhere.
- Shmuel Y Agnon

For this reason, the expansion of relations with all countries is on the agenda of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I mean balanced relationships, based on mutual respect and observation of each other's rights.
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

We have been filled with grief as we have witnessed the decline of the North American Church that was once filled with missionary zeal and yet now seems determined to bury itself in a deadly embrace with the spirit of the age.
- Peter Akinola

In 1969, at the age of 19, I was lucky enough to work with George C. Scott in the definitive portrayal of his career over a period of many months and several countries on the definitive film version of Patton's WWII career.
- Edward Albert

The age wasn't as important as the milestones.
- Jodi Picoult

I started writing when I had three kids under the age of 4. I used to write every ten minutes I got to sit in front of a computer. Now, when I have more time, I function the same way: if it's writing time, I write.
- Jodi Picoult

Books that have become classics - books that have had their day and now get more praise than perusal - always remind me of retired colonels and majors and captains who, having reached the age limit, find themselves retired on half pay.
- Thomas Bailey Aldrich

None can less afford to delay than the aged sinner. Now is the time. Now or never. You have, as it were, one foot already in the grave. Your opportunities will soon be over. Strive, then, I entreat you, to enter in at the strait gate.
- Archibald Alexander

I don't know how one actually would define obscenity. I'm sure the definition is different according to the age one is living in.
- Jane Alexander

My father was sleepless most of his life. So by the age of five, I was awake with him all night long, watching bad television or we'd lie in the same bed, and I'd read my comic books while he read his latest spy or mystery novel.
- Sherman Alexie

Sinking, sinking, drinking water. When everyone in the village was fasting a long month,when not a grain, not a drop of water passed between the parched lips of any able-bodied man, woman or child over the age of ten, when the sun was hotter than the cooking pot and dusk was just a febrile wish, the hypocrite went down to the pond to duck his head, to dive and sink, to drink and sink a little lower. p. 105
- Monica Ali

Why are you here?"
"'Here' as in your bedroom, or 'here' as in the great, spiritual question of our purpose here on this planet? If you're asking me whether this is all some cosmic coincidence or if there's a greater meta-ethical purpose to life, well, that's a puzzler for the ages. I mean, modern-day reductionism is clearly a fallacious argument, but-,"
-"I'm going back to bed."
-"I'm here because Hodge reminded me it's your birthday.
- Cassandra Clare

What are you doing here anyway?"
"Here as in your bedroom, or here as in the great, spiritual question of our purpose on this planet? If you're asking whether it's all just a cosmic coincidence or there's a greater metaethical purpose to life, well, that's a puzzler for the ages. I mean, simple ontological reductionism is clearly a fallacious arguement, but "
"I'm going back to bed.
- Cassandra Clare

The thing that you are too young to understand is that we all hide things. We hide them from our lovers because we wish to present our best selves, but also because if it is real love, we expect our loved one to simply understand it, without needing to ask. In a true partnership, the kind that lasts through the ages, there is an unspoken communion.
- Cassandra Clare

I've reached the age where bruises are formed from failures within rather than accidents without.
- Nicole Krauss

I came into the Agency with a set of ideas and attitudes that were quite typical of people coming into the Agency at that time. You could call it liberal anti-communism.
- Aldrich Ames

To the extent that I considered the personal burden of harming the people who had trusted me, plus the Agency, or the United States, I wasn't processing that.
- Aldrich Ames

The difficulties of conducting espionage against the Soviet Union in the Soviet Union were such that historically the Agency had backed away from the task.
- Aldrich Ames

When Reagan was elected, I felt that the Agency had gone much more into the service of a political tendency in the country with which I had already felt very strong disagreement.
- Aldrich Ames

In my professional work with the Agency, by the late '70s, I had come to question the value of a great deal of what we were doing, in terms of the intelligence agency's impact on American policy.
- Aldrich Ames

Active creation is conceived as a transitive action in which there is always presupposed an object about which the agent is concerned; it is virtually but not formally transitive because it makes, not presupposes, an object.
- William Ames

Twenty-two poems covered the period from Lev's first serious efforts to his arrest in 1948 at the age of nineteen. Very Mandelstamian, I adjudged: well-made, and studiously conversational, and coming close, here and there, to the images that really hurt and connect.
- Martin Amis

I must stress here the point that I appreciate clarity, order, meaning, structure, rationality: they are necessary to whatever provisional stability we have, and they can be the agents of gradual and successful change.
- A R Ammons

There are some men who lift the age they inhabit, till all men walk on higher ground in that lifetime.
- Maxwell Anderson

The age thing really bugs me. Do people have more of a right to not like what I say because I'm 19?
- Fiona Apple

Not many people do at the age of 21 or younger even, know how to act nor could be concerned with anything other than fighting, women and money.
- Alexis Arguello

The age of the pulp magazine was the last in which youngsters, to get their primitive material, were forced to be literate.
- Isaac Asimov

One of the experts bought his first piece at the age of four, so they did start very young, most of them. They did it out of genuine interest but today's kids are much more materialistic and there's a danger, I suppose, that they might just be out to make dosh.
- Michael Aspel

I started at the age of 8 and have been lucky to be still working.
- Mackenzie Astin

No, no, I was only funny on stage, really. I, I, think I was funny as a person toward my classmates when I was very young. You know, when I was a child, up to about the age of 12.
- Rowan Atkinson

You're sad because you're sad.
It's psychic. It's the age. It's chemical.
Go see a shrink or take a pill,
or hug your sadness like an eyeless doll
you need to sleep.
Well, all children are sad
but some get over it.
Count your blessings. Better than that,
buy a hat. Buy a coat or a pet.
Take up dancing to forget.
- Margaret Atwood

It were a real increase of human happiness, could all young men from the age of nineteen be covered under barrels, or rendered otherwise invisible; and there left to follow their lawful studies and callings, till they emerged, sadder and wiser, at the age of twenty-five.
- Thomas Carlyle

I have one brother and I live with four hundred guys. Girls under the age of fourteen are the most frightening creatures I have ever come across.
- Melina Marchetta

Girls under the age of fourteen are the most frightening creatures I have ever come across. - Jonah Griggs
- Melina Marchetta

This is what I know. I look like my father. My father disappeared when he was seventeen years old. Hannah once told me that there is something unnatural about being older than your father ever got to be. When you can say that at the age of seventeen, it's a different kind of devastating.
- Melina Marchetta

As Anne watched her, she could not help thinking of the age-old question every woman asks herself at some time or other: do I have to swallow it?
- Edward St Aubyn

Now is the age of anxiety.
- W H Auden

India of the ages is not dead nor has she spoken her last creative word; she lives and has still something to do for herself and the human peoples.
- Sri Aurobindo

She had reached the age of seventeen, without having seen one amiable youth who could call forth her sensibility, without having inspired one real passion, and without having excited even any admiration but what was very moderate and very transient.
- Jane Austen

Sally, or rather Sarah (for what young lady of common gentility will reach the age of sixteen without altering her name as far as she can?) must from situation be at this time the intimatre friend and confidante of her sister.
- Jane Austen

Anne hoped she had outlived the age of blushing; but the age of emotion she certainly had not.
- Jane Austen

But we are not going to stand by and go back to allowing people with preexisting conditions to be discriminated against, go back to the situation where people can be thrown off their insurance simply because they become seriously ill or you can't get on your parents' insurance after the age of 20.
- David Axelrod

It is only through books that we partake of the great harvest that is human civilization across the ages.
- Ibrahim Babangida

I avoid talking before the youth of the age as I would dancing before them: for if one's tongue don't move in the steps of the day, and thinks to please by its old graces, it is only an object of ridicule.
- Horace Walpole

Back through the ages of barbarism and civilization, in all tongues, we find this instinctive pleasure in the imitative action that is the very essence of all drama.
- George P Baker

Never let the other fellow set the agenda.
- James Baker

It is a great shock at the age of five or six to find that in a world of Gary Coopers you are the Indian.
- James Baldwin

Thirty-five is a very attractive age. London society is full of women of the very highest birth who have, of their own free choice, remained thirty-five for years. Lady Dumbleton is an instance in point. To my own knowledge she has been thirty-five ever since she arrived at the age of forty, which was many years ago now.
- Oscar Wilde

Look at the successful men in any of the learned professions. How perfectly hideous they are! Except, of course, in the Church. But then in the Church they don't think. A bishop keeps on saying at the age of eighty what he was told to say when he was a boy of eighteen, and as a natural consequence he always looks absolutely delightful.
- Oscar Wilde

I wonder if the course of narcissism through the ages would have been any different had Narcissus first peered into a cesspool. He probably did.
- Frank O Hara

To tell a group of adolescents who already know how to speak and write that that is the purpose of grammar is like telling someone that they need to read a history of toilets through the ages in order to pee and poop.
- Muriel Barbery

As for the age of electronics, Selena, I really don't want to get personal with something that comes with a warning label and batteries. (Grace)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon

So what's on the agenda for tonight? (Danger)
Migraine, futility, possible death. Same as every night, I guess. (Alexion)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon

Four years with no sex? Don't tell me that you've forgotten this is the Age of Electronics? I mean, really, do any of your patients know how long you've gone without sex? (Selena)
Keep your voice down. I don't think it's the business of my patients whether or not I'm a born-again virgin. And as for the Age of Electronics, I really don't want to get personal with something that comes with a warning label and batteries. (Grace)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon

This is the age of insincerity. The movies had the misfortune to come along in the twentieth century, and because they appeal to the masses there can be no sincerity in them.
- Lionel Barrymore

Each photograph is read as the private appearance of its referent: the age of Photography corresponds precisely to the explosion of the private into the public, or rather into the creation of a new social value, which is the publicity of the private: the private is consumes as such, publicly.
- Roland Barthes

I decided to retire from show business at the age of 17, because I didn't like it a bit.
- Shirley Bassey

Expedients are for the hour, but principles are for the ages.
- Henry Ward Beecher

Baseball may be our national pastime, but the age-old tradition of taking a swing at Congress is a sport with even deeper historical roots in the American experience. Since the founding of our country, citizens from Ben Franklin to David Letterman have made fun of their elected officials.
- Evan Bayh

And, on a wide view, I could see that it makes little difference whether one dies at the age of thirty or threescore and tensince, in either case, other men and women will continue living, the world will go on as before. Also, whether I died now or forty years hence, this business of dying had to be got through, inevitably. Still, somehow this line of thought wasn't as consoling as it should have been; the idea of all those years of life in hand was a galling reminder!
- Albert Camus

At the age of 40, having ordered meat very rare in restaurants all his life, he realized he actually liked it medium and not at all rare.
- Albert Camus

Throughout history there have been many other examples, similar to that of Haeckel, Huxley and the cell, where a key piece of a particular scientific puzzle was beyond the understanding of the age.
- Michael Behe

Yes, my life is a life of combat; I can say that this has never stopped for a single instant. It is a combat that started for me at the age of 16. I'm 90 years old now, and my motivation hasn't changed; it's the same fervour that drives me.
- Ahmed Ben Bella

For example, UNICEF works with governments to change legislation such as in India where a law was passed raising the age of compulsory school completion to keep children in school and away from the workplace for longer.
- Carol Bellamy

Dare to change the world
There is nothing quixotic or romantic in wanting to change the world. It is possible. It is the age-old vocation of all humanity. I can't think of a better life than one dedicated to passion, to dreams, to the stubborness that defies chaos and disillusionment.
- Gioconda Belli

I'm at the age where food has taken the place of sex in my life. In fact, I've just had a mirror put over my kitchen table.
- Rodney Dangerfield

The age we live in is a busy age; in which knowledge is rapidly advancing towards perfection.
- Jeremy Bentham

Ours is the age of substitutes: instead of language, we have jargon: instead of principles, slogans: and, instead of genuine ideas, bright ideas.
- Eric Bentley

While you're playing yourself out in lonesome dissipation in front of a pinball machine, someone else might be reading through Proust. Still another might be engaged in heavy petting with a girlfriend at a drive-in theater showing of Paths of Courage. The one could well become a writer, witness to the age; the others, a happily married couple. Pinball machines, however, won't lead you anywhere.
Just the replay light. Replay, replay, replay..
- Haruki Murakami

At any rate, that's how I started running. Thirty threethat's how old I was then. Still young enough, though no longer a young man. The age that Jesus Christ died. The age that Scott Fitzgerald started to go downhill. That age may be a kind of crossroads in life. That was the age when I began my life as a runner, and it was my belated, but real, starting point as a novelist.
- Haruki Murakami

It is an axiom, enforced by all the experience of the ages, that they who rule industrially will rule politically.
- Aneurin Bevan

Philately is normally a boys' hobby but for some reason it was in vogue at my junior school. Between the ages of eight and ten I collected avidly. I'd pore over my Stanley Gibbons book, obsessively checking my collection's value. I always hoped I'd stumble across a really valuable one, a Penny Black or an Inverted Jenny, but it wasn't to be.
- Sophie Ellis Bextor

I believe in aristocracy... if that is the right word, and if a democrat may use it. Not an aristocracy of power, based upon rank and influence, but an aristocracy of the sensitive, the considerate and the plucky. Its members are to be found in all nations and classes, and all through the ages, and there is a secret understanding between them when they meet. They represent the true human tradition, the one permanent victory of our queer race over cruelty and chaos.
- E M Forster

When I was a kid, I wrote music - from the age of 11 until the age of 18.
- Harrison Birtwistle

Apart from two periods of intense study, of music between the ages of 12 and 14 and of mathematics between the ages of 14 and 16, I coasted, daydreaming, through most of my school years.
- James W Black

I've an enormous respect for my mother who at the age of 39 raised three children, and I grew up with my grandmother in the household. And so it was a really strong household of women - my poor brother! It was great growing up with so many generations of women.
- Cate Blanchett

I was modeling with an agency in New York and a manager with the agency introduced himself to me one day and he said he had auditions for someone my age. He asked if I would be interested in doing some.
- Alexis Bledel

I think we are not serious about attacking the long-term debt problem, and that's one of the things that he's going to have to find a way to get on the agenda.
- Michael Bloomberg

Still, there may be technologies that are very useful in identifying people over the age of 18 because they have all kinds of identifying characteristics, while those same tech may be useless for 12- and 13-year-olds.
- Richard Blumenthal

Herein lies the tragedy of the age: not that men are poor--all men know something of poverty. Not that men are wicked--who is good? Not that men are ignorant--what is truth? Nay, but that men know so little of men.
- W E B Du Bois

Youngsters of the age of two and three are endowed with extraordinary strength. They can lift a dog twice their own weight and dump him into the bathtub.
- Erma Bombeck

I've always felt there are two things a woman should never do after the age of thirty-five: stand in natural light and have a baby..
- Erma Bombeck

Plant diseases, drought, desolation, despair were recurrent catastrophes during the ages - and the ancient remedies: supplications to supernatural spirits or gods.
- Norman Borlaug

Well, after all, this is the age of the disposable tissue. Blow your nose on a person, wad them, flush them away, reach for another, blow, wad, flush. Everyone using everyone else's coattails. How are you supposed to root for the home team when you don't even have a program or know the names? For that matter, what color jersey's are they reading as they trot out to the feild?
- Ray Bradbury

I actually was rebelling as all young adults tend to do at or around the age of 19, to experiment with their lives and have fun.
- Brian Bosworth

I can remember running around at the age of 3, wanting to play golf, cricket and football. I was always active, one way or another, driving my parents mad.
- Ian Botham

I'm well past the age where I'm acceptable. You get to a certain age and you are forbidden access. You're not going to get the kind of coverage that you would like in music magazines, you're not going to get played on radio and you're not going to get played on television. I have to survive on word of mouth.
- David Bowie

Everyone under the age of sixty called it the War Between the States, while everyone over sixty called it the War of Northern Aggression, as if somehow the North had baited the South into war over a bad bale of cotton.Read
- Kami Garcia

I believe in rendering to science the things that belong to science. I have no problem with evolution or discussions of the age of the Earth, for I don't believe that we come anywhere near comprehending the mind of God or the workings of the universe. Science can explain a lot, but it cannot give us faith, and I think we need both.
- Brandon Sanderson

Sex, a great and mysterious motive force in human life, has indisputably been a subject of absorbing interest to mankind through the ages.
- William J Brennan Jr

I completed the first three years of primary school in one year and was admitted to the local school the age of six directly into the fourth year, some two years younger than all my contemporaries.
- Sydney Brenner

As technology advances, it reverses the characteristics of every situation again and again. The age of automation is going to be the age of 'do it yourself.'
- Marshall Mcluhan

If the nineteenth century was the age of the editorial chair, ours is the century of the psychiatrist's couch.
- Marshall Mcluhan

At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since.
- Salvador Dali

I have been taking stock of my 50 years since I left Wichita in 1922 at the age of 15 to become a dancer with Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn. How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything -- spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking.
And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying.' I tried with all my heart.
- Louise Brooks

But wherever we are, we must all, in our daily lives, live up to the age-old faith that peace and freedom walk together. In too many of our cities today, the peace is not secure because freedom is incomplete. (John F. Kennedy, June 10, 1963, American University speech)
- John F Kennedy

We prefer world law in the age of self-determination to world war in the age of mass extermination.
- John F Kennedy

With the song 'This Christmas' I wanted to do something that was kind of different. I mean, Donny Hathaway is an amazing artist. So I wanted to bring my flavor to the song so when people over the age of 45 or 50 hear it they'll be like 'OK, he did his thing with that record.' It's like I can appeal to everybody and not just a younger demographic.
- Chris Brown

Time is a river...and books are boats. Many volumes start down that stream, only to be wrecked and lost beyond recall in its sands. Only a few, a very few, endure the testings of time and live to bless the ages following.
- Dan Brown

Human beings would split the atom and invent television, nylon, and instant coffee before they could figure out the age of their own planet.
- Bill Bryson

Less than a decade after the Great Exhibition, iron as a structural material was finishedwhich makes it slightly odd that the most iconic structure of the entire century, about to rise over Paris, was made of that doomed material. I refer of course to the soaring wonder of the age known as the Eiffel Tower. Never in history has a structure been more technologically advanced, materially obsolescent, and gloriously pointless all at the same time.
- Bill Bryson

I refer of course to the soaring wonder of the age known as the Eiffel Tower. Never in history has a structure been more technologically advanced, materially obsolescent, and gloriously pointless all at the same time.
- Bill Bryson

Around the age of 14, 15, I was in the studio, serious about it.
- Young Buck

But whether the risks to which liberty exposes us are moral or physical our right to liberty involves the right to run them. A man who is not free to risk his neck as an aviator or his soul as a heretic is not free at all; and the right to liberty begins, not at the age of 21 years but 21 seconds.
- George Bernard Shaw

Any attempts at autobiography before the age of eighty seem pretty self-involved to me. There are a lot of smart middle aged people but not many wise ones.
- Jimmy Buffett

At the age of 25 most people were finished. A whole god-damned nation of assholes driving automobiles, eating, having babies, doing everything in the worst way possible, like voting for the presidential candidate who reminded them most of themselves.
- Charles Bukowski

The problem was you had to keep choosing between one evil or another, and no matter what you chose, they sliced a little bit more off you, until there was nothing left. At the age of 25 most people were finished. A whole god-damned nation of assholes driving automobiles, eating, having babies, doing everything in the worst way possible, like voting for the presidential candidates who reminded them most of themselves
- Charles Bukowski

Where I'm is one of those stair climbing machines the agent has installed. You climb and climb forever and never get off the ground. You're trapped in your hotel room. It's the mystical sweat love lodge experience of our time, the only sort of Indian vision quest we can schedule into our daily planner.
Our StairMaster to Heaven.
- Chuck Palahniuk

It is not by the gray of the hair that one knows the age of the heart.
- Edward G Bulwerlytton

Stoning prophets and erecting churches to their memory afterwards has been the way of the world through the ages. Today we worship Christ, but the Christ in the flesh we crucified.
- Mahatma Gandhi

I woke up on the plane this morning and was turning on my phone and I had to put my pin number in. That's when I realized that since the age of 10 I've been using 2012 as my pin number. But now that I've won gold in the 2012 Olympics, I've achieved that goal and, for the first time in 14 years, I'll have to change my pin.
- Cameron Van Der Burgh

But the age of chivalry is gone. That of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded; and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever.
- Edmund Burke

I'm at the age now where just putting my cigar in its holder is a thrill.
- George Burns

I started in the restaurant business at the age of 19 as a waitress. I loved the atmosphere and the camaraderie of the restaurant business. I loved not having to go to an office. I loved making people happy.
- Anne Burrell

The credit of advancing science has always been due to individuals and never to the age.
- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

I think we ought to raise the age at which juveniles can have a gun.
- George W Bush

The thing is, if you control the Senate meetings, you control the gavel. And the gavel is a very important instrument... an instrument of power. An instrument that establishes the agenda.
- Dan Quayle

Libraries offer, for free, the wisdom of the ages--and sages--and, simply put, there's something for everyone inside.
- Laura Bush

If you read one book a week, starting at the age of 5, and live to be 80, you will have read a grand total of 3,900 books, a little over one-tenth of 1 percent of the books currently in print.
- Lewis Buzbee

This was the feeling that Ms. Hempel couldn't shake: a conviction that she spent her days among people at the age when they are most purely themselves. How could she not be depleted when she came home, having been exposed for hours, without protection, to all those thrumming radiant selves? Here they were, just old enough to have discovered their souls, but not yet dulled by the ordinary act of survival, not yet practiced in dissembling.
- Sarah Shun Lien Bynum

This is the age of oddities let loose.
- George Byron

Every man is a creature of the age in which he lives and few are able to raise themselves above the ideas of the time.
- Voltaire

What most persons consider as virtue, after the age of 40 is simply a loss of energy.
- Voltaire

Every man is the creature of the age in which he lives; very few are able to raise themselves above the ideas of the time.
- Voltaire

The memory of the aged becomes clearer and clearer with time. It has no pity.
- Andrea Camilleri

Once I planned to write a book of poems entirely about the things in my pocket. But I found it would be too long; and the age of the great epics is past.
- Gilbert K Chesterton

Experience which was once claimed by the aged is now claimed exclusively by the young.
- Gilbert K Chesterton

It is always simple to fall; there are an infinity of angles at which one falls, only one at which one stands. To have fallen into any one of the fads from Gnosticism to Christian Science would indeed have been obvious and tame. But to have avoided them all has been one whirling adventure; and in my vision the heavenly chariot flies thundering through the ages, the dull heresies sprawling and prostrate, the wild truth reeling but erect.
- Gilbert K Chesterton

Well, if Democratic members in the House elect Nancy Pelosi as their leader, it's almost as if they just didn't get the message from the voters this election. I mean, the voters outright rejected the agenda that she's been about. And here they're going to put her back in charge.
- Eric Cantor

I have always had a tremendous amount of energy and any band I was ever in from the age of fourteen, I would always be the one who would describe the future and vibe everyone up.
- Jim Capaldi

The love story for me was the nature of the love and not the age of the lovers.
- Kate Capshaw

Catholic, which I was until I reached the age of reason
- George Carlin

It is well for the world that in most of us, by the age of thirty, the character has set like plaster, and will never soften again.
- William James

Nostalgia, the vice of the aged. We watch so many old movies our memories come in monochrome.
- Angela Carter

Ever since Israel has been a nation the United States has provided the leadership. Every president down to the ages has done this in a fairly balanced way, including George Bush senior, Gerald Ford, and others including myself and Bill Clinton.
- Jimmy Carter

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.
- George Washington Carver

The history of my life must begin by the earliest circumstance which my memory can evoke; it will therefore commence when I had attained the age of eight years and four months.
- Giacomo Casanova

The only compensation, gained through the influence of nongovernmental organizations, consisted in slightly broadening for private individuals the possibility of access and appeal to the agencies enforcing the Covenant concerned with civil and political rights.
- Rene Cassin

I think that a man should not live beyond the age when he begins to deteriorate, when the flame that lighted the brightest moment of his life has weakened.
- Fidel Castro

Most of the basic material a writer works with is acquired before the age of fifteen.
- Willa Cather

Can you picture yourself at the age 60 doing what you do now?
- Dick Cavett

I attempt to write a good novel. Whether it is literature or not is something that will be decided by the ages, not by me and not by a pack of critics around the globe.
- Elizabeth George

A woman has the age she deserves.
- Coco Chanel

At the age of fifteen my grandmother became the concubine of a warlord general.
- Jung Chang

Love is the affinity which links and draws together the elements of the world... Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis.
- Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

She looked at the kids, who did not see [them] because they were past the age of twenty-five..
- Stephen King

A little arrogance (or even a lot) isn't such a bad thing, although your mother undoubtedly told you different. Mine did. "Pride goeth before a fall, Stephen", she said... and then I found out - right around the age that is 19 x 2 - that eventually you fall down, anyway.
- Stephen King

You British plundered half the world for your own profit. Let's not pass it off as the Age of Enlightenment.
- Paddy Chayefsky

All the labor of all the ages, all the devotion, all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius are destined to extinction. So now, my friends, if that is true, and it is true, what is the point?
- Bertrand Russell

Partly because his life ended before the age of 50, Hamilton was defined by the other founding fathers, and he managed, with amazing consistency, to alienate most of them.
- Ron Chernow

It is said to be the age of the first person singular
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

The age of a woman doesn't mean a thing. The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Skepticism is the agent of reason against organized irrationalism--and is therefore one of the keys to human social and civic decency.
- Stephen Jay Gould

Transferring successfully to the next generation means producing work that's as good as or better than the work of the first generation that founded the agency.
- Jay Chiat

I got into the studio when I was thirteen. At the age of twelve I was doing public performances.
- Chingy

There are few genuine conservatives within the U.S. political system, and it is a sign of the intellectual corruption of the age that the honorable term 'conservatism' can be appropriated to disguise the advocacy of a powerful, lawless, aggressive and violent state, a welfare state for the rich dedicated to a lunatic form of Keynesian economic intervention that enhances state and private power while mortgaging the country's future.
- Noam Chomsky

I remember at the age of five travelling on a trolley car with my mother past a group of women on a picket line at a textile plant, seeing them being viciously beaten by security people. So that kind of thing stayed with me.
- Noam Chomsky

I have enjoyed greatly the second blooming... suddenly you find - at the age of 50, say - that a whole new life has opened before you.
- Agatha Christie

The divine law indeed has excluded women from this ministry, but they endeavour to thrust themselves into it; and since they can effect nothing of themselves, they do all through the agency of others.
- John Chrysostom

Intelligence flourishes only in the ages when belief withers.
- Emile M Cioran

Mother said we had reached the Age of Reason and had to be good now. We must have because we wanted Willy Starr instead.
- Marie Clair

I may have grown up in the Age of Aquarius, but I'm growing old in the Age of the Acronym.
- Roy Peter Clark

Poor gentleman," said Mr Segundus. "Perhaps it is the age. It is not an age for magic or scholarship, is it sir? Tradesmen prosper, sailors, politicians, but not magicians. Our time is past.
- Susanna Clarke

Officeholders are the agents of the people, not their masters.
- Grover Cleveland

Leaving the age of materialism and duality behind us, we now seek to become Masters of the Spiritual Kingdom.
- Linda De Coff

And so the children of the revolution were faced with the age-old problem: it wasn't that you had the wrong kind of government, which was obvious, but that you had the wrong kind of people.
As soon as you saw people as things to be measured, they didn't measure up.
- Terry Pratchett

... The stormy sun was going down
In a stormy sky.
Why did you let your eyes so rest on me,
And hold your breath between?
In all the ages this can never be
As if it had not been.
- Mary Elizabeth Coleridge

I have often thought what a melancholy world this would be without children, and what an inhuman world without the aged.
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

I kind of realized I could sing, so I played around with that for a while. And that led me to acting in itself, which I came more passionate about by the age of 15.
- Toni Collette

One might define adulthood as the age at which a person learns that he must die...and accepts his sentence undismayed.
- Robert A Heinlein

The age of innocent faith in science and technology may be over.
- Barry Commoner

Here is the world of imagination, hopes, and dreams. In this timeless land of enchantment, the age of chivalry, magic and make-believe are reborn - and fairy tales come true. Fantasyland is dedicated to the young-in-heart, to those who that when you wish upon a star, your dreams come true.
- Walt Disney Company

Not surprisingly, some of the super-rich declined to join the Patriotic Millionaires when the Agenda Project reached out to them. At least two airily dismissed the Bush tax cuts for millionaires and above - which will cost well over $700 billion over the coming decade - as small potatoes.
- Joe Conason

The Patriotic Millionaires campaign, pulled together quickly by the Agenda Project in New York City, just happens to appear on the same day as a new study from the Center for Responsive Politics revealing that half of the members of the House and the Senate are millionaires.
- Joe Conason

It is a governing principle of nature, that the agency which can produce most good, when perverted from its proper aim, is most productive of evil.
- James F Cooper

Very curious, at the age of about 13 years, Oswald began to study Marxism and he kept on in his writing, affirming that he was a Marxist. Probably he did want to show himself as a great, supreme Marxist.
- John Sherman Cooper

The intelligence investigation under the leadership of Senator Church, which I know has helped cause this investigation by you, points out that the agencies did not disclose certain facts to us and that certain plots were going on.
- John Sherman Cooper

In eternity there is indeed something true and sublime. But all these times and places and occasions are now and here. God himself culminates in the present moment and will never be more divine in the lapse of the ages. Time is but a stream I go a-fishing in. I drink at it, but when I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away but eternity remains.
- Henry David Thoreau

If the injustice is part of the necessary friction of the machine of government, let it go, let it go: perchance it will wear smooth--certainly the machine will wear out... but if it is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then I say, break the law. Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine. What I have to do is to see, at any rate, that I do not lend myself to the wrong which I condemn.
- Henry David Thoreau

God himself culminates in the present moment, and will never be more divine in the lapse of all the ages.
- Henry David Thoreau

If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law.
- Henry David Thoreau

I was well motivated. What I wanted to do was work for myself. I had twenty two jobs before I started my business at the age of twenty three and I didn't want one more boss telling me what to do. So I was motivated simply because I didn't want a boss.
- Barbara Corcoran

Swing voters are more appropriately known as the 'idiot voters' because they have no set of philosophical principles. By the age of fourteen, you're either a Conservative or a Liberal if you have an IQ above a toaster.
- Ann Coulter

And I think back over my own life and I realize that my own nature-the core me-essentially hasn't changed all these years. When I wake up in the morning, for those first few moments before I remember where I am or when I am, I still feel that same way I did when I woke up at the age of five.
- Douglas Coupland

I used the phrase 'a certain age.' What I mean by this is the age people are in their heads. It's usually thirty to thirty-four. Nobody is forty in their head. When it comes to your internal age, chin wattles and relentless liver spots mean nothing.
- Douglas Coupland

A great many things have been pronounced untrue and absurd, and even impossible, by the highest authorities in the age in which they lived, which have afterwards, and, indeed, within a very short period, been found to be both possible and true.
- Catherine Crowe

Through the ages, many different groups have called themselves victims. Some came through wars and massacres. Some were slaves or minorities. But the Jews, who have always been victimized throughout history, don't see themselves as victims. We see ourselves as survivors. The difference between survivors and victims is that survivors go on with their lives after a tragedy, whereas victims continue to wallow in self-pity.
- Celso Cukierkorn

The key factor is whether the agent is a member of the Association of Authors' Representatives, which screens its members and requires them to uphold a Canon of Ethics.
- Richard Curtis


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