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All Love Quotes

On the surface we all act like we all love each other and we're free and easy, and actually we're far more moralistic than any other society I've ever lived in.
- Kathy Acker

All shall love me and despair.
- J R R Tolkien

And now at last it comes. You will give me the Ring freely! In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!
- J R R Tolkien

I've been thinking," Brooklyn said as I gawked at the god sitting next to me, "if you get all lovey-dovey and decide to elope to Las Vegas where Jared uses his powers to clean up at the poker tables and you guys buy a mansion in the Manzano Mountains with twenty-seven rooms and decide - because you're rich and all - to buy a new computer, can I have your iMac then?"
"Um, no, you're not getting my iMac."
- Darynda Jones

Freud's view is that all love is sexual in its origin or its basis. Even those loves which do not appear to be sexual or erotic have a sexual root or core. They are all sublimations of the sexual instinct.
- Mortimer Adler

We would all love to walk up to someone and shoot them in the head, there's no doubt about that. We're too civilised to admit it, but we're happy to read about it.
- Lee Child

Gentle lady, do not sing
Sad songs about the end of love;
Lay aside sadness and sing
How love that passes is enough.
Sing about the long deep sleep
Of lovers that are dead, and how
In the grave all love shall sleep:
Love is aweary now.
- James Joyce

All lovely things will have an ending, All lovely things will fade and die; And youth, that's now so bravely spending, Will beg a penny by and by.
- Conrad Aiken

All men and women are connected by an energy which we call love, but which is, in fact, the raw material from which the universe was built. This energy cannot be manipulated, it leads us gently forward, it contains all we have to learn in this life. If we try to make it go in the direction we want, we end up desperate, frustrated, disillusioned, because that energy is free and wild.
- Paulo Coelho

All love stories are the same.
- Paulo Coelho

This is what we call love. When you are loved, you can do anything in creation. When you are loved, there's no need at all to understand what's happening, because everything happens within you.
- Paulo Coelho

In contentment and joy are found the height and perfection of all love towards our neighbor.
- William Ames

All love shifts and changes. I don't know if you can be wholeheartedly in love all the time.
- Julie Andrews

One positive command he gave us: You shall love and honor your emperor. In every congregation a prayer must be said for the czar's health, or the chief of police would close the synagogue.
- Mary Antin

...Love, my lads! And above all, love pretty, charming girls; they are the remedy for evil, they give a sweet smell to rottenness, they exchange life for death...Love, my lads!
- Machado De Assis

You shall love your crooked neighbour, with your crooked heart.
- W H Auden

You shall love your crooked neighbor with all your crooked heart
- W H Auden

O stand, stand at the window
As the tears scald and start;
You shall love your crooked neighbour
With your crooked heart.
- W H Auden

We all love to instruct, though we can teach only what is not worth knowing.
- Jane Austen

You are more to me than any of them has any idea; you are the atmosphere of beauty through which I see life; you are the incarnation of all lovely things...I think of you day and night.
- Oscar Wilde

All lovers in the world are alike: they fall in love by chance; they see each other, and are attached to each other by the features of their faces; they illuminate each other by the fierce preference which is akin to madness; they assert the reality of illusions; and for a moment they change falsehood into truth.
- Henri Barbusse

But don't you find the concept of love unusual? (Alix)
Not at all. Love I understand completely. It's hatred that puzzles me. I don't comprehend finding pleasure in cruelty. (Vik)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon

The Winter Photograph was my Ariadne, not because it would help me discover a secret thing (monster or treasure), but because it would tell me what constituted that thread which drew me toward Photography. I had understood that henceforth I must interrogate the evidence of Photography, not from the viewpoint of pleasure, but in relation to what we romantically call love and death.
- Roland Barthes

What men call love is a very small, restricted, feeble thing compared with this ineffable orgy, this divine prostitution of the soul giving itself entire, all its poetry and all its charity, to the unexpected as it comes along, to the stranger as he passes.
- Charles Baudelaire

As it has been said:
Love and a cough
cannot be concealed.
Even a small cough.
Even a small love.
- Anne Sexton

Love as education is one of the great powers of the world, but it hangs in a delicate suspension; it achieves its harmony as seldom as does love by the senses. Frustrated, it creates even greater havoc, for like all love it is a madness.
- Thornton Wilder

That's it really; it's all love, whichever way you look at it, it's all love. How much you can Get from each other and that's determined by how much you're Giving to each other... But it all starts Within our self and then it spreads to those around us, Good & Bad. But basically that's it, I think it's the Love that we can generate is = to the Love that we get back
- George Harrison

All love stories beget ghost stories.
- Sarah Blake

We all love the environment, but we have placed creatures above people. A rat is a rat.
- Sonny Bono

All love's pleasure shall not match its woe.
- William Shakespeare

The essence of any religion is good heart. Sometimes I call love and compassion a universal religion. This is my religion.
- Dalai Lama

In all love stories the theme is love and tragedy, so by writing these types of stories, I have to include tragedy.
- Nicholas Sparks

Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.
- Robert Browning

Love is responsibility of an I for a You: in this consists what cannot consist in any feeling - the equality of all lovers.
- Martin Buber

To be commanded to love God at all, let alone in the wilderness, is like being commanded to be well when we are sick, to sing for joy when we are dying of thirst, to run when our legs are broken. But this is the first and great commandment nonetheless. Even in the wilderness - especially in the wilderness - you shall love him.
- Frederick Buechner

Your letters got sadder. Your lovers betrayed you. Kid, I wrote back, all lovers betray. It didn't help. You said you had a crying bench and it was by a bridge and the bridge was over the river and you sat on the crying bench every night and wept for the lovers who had hurt and forgotten you.
- Charles Bukowski

I have great hopes that we shall love each other all our lives as much as if we had never married at all.
- Lord Byron

It's shocking the things we call love.
- Deb Caletti

When people get married because they think it's a long-time love affair, they'll be divorced very soon, because all love affairs end in disappointment. But marriage is a recognition of a spiritual identity.
- Joseph Campbell

I don't particularly believe all love is doomed. But I guess, one is usually kinda suffering from some aborted love affair or association, rather than being at the peak of one. I think it's fairly obvious that a lot more suffering goes on in the name of love than the little happiness you can squeeze out of it.
- Nick Cave

I shall now call myself;
I shall now call.
In the forest of my heart, seeing myself,
I shall love myself and love myself.
I shall be my own quest,
My absolute wealth.
The journey of light supreme will commence
In the heart of freedom.
- Sri Chinmoy

Who can tell what metals the gods use in forging the subtle bond which we call sympathy, which we might as well call love.
- Kate Chopin

The Americans all love 'The Holy Grail', and the English all love 'Life Of Brian', and I'm afraid on this one, I side with the English.
- John Cleese

Democratic politicians have disliked things I've written, Republican politicians... if they all love you, you might as well be driving a Good Humor truck.
- Adam Clymer

You're a sleazy defense lawyer with two ex-wifes and an eight-year-old daughter and we all love you.
- Michael Connelly

Love isn't a steadfast dog at all; love is more like a pygmy mouse lemur. Yes, that's exactly what love is: a tiny, jittery primate with eyes that are permanently peeled open in fear. For those of you who cannot quite picture a pygmy mouse lemur, imagine a miniature Don Knotts or Steve Buscemi wearing a fur coat.
- Andrew Davidson

The four rules of writing... 1. Write to discover. 2. There is no greater discovery than love. 3. All love comes from the Creator. 4. Write what you will.
- Ted Dekker

Sometimes I get tired of trying to convince him that I love him and shall love him for ever. He pounces on my words like a barrister and twists them. I know he is afraid of that desert which would be around him if our love were to end, but he can't realize that I feel exactly the same. What he says aloud, I say to myself silently and write it here.
- Graham Greene

That I shall love always,
I argue thee
that love is life,
and life hath immortality
- Emily Dickinson

If that be simply perfectest
Which can by no way be expressed
But negatives, my love is so.
To all which all love, I say no.
If any who deciphers best
What we know not, ourselves, can know
Let him teach me that nothing.
- John Donne

There are moments when people love crime," Alyosha said pensively.
"Yes, yes! You've spoken my own thought, they love it, they all love it, and love it always, not just at 'moments.' You know, it's as if at some point they all agreed to lie about it, and have been lying about it ever since. They all say they hate what's bad, but secretly they all love it.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Love and relationship. All love and relationship is possible for you only because it already exits within me, within God myself. Love is not the limitation; love is the flying. I am love.
- W Paul Young

I'm here, Tess. I'm right here, holding your hand. Adam's here, too, he's sitting on the other side of the bed. And Cal. Mum's on her way, she'll be just a minute. We all love you, Tessa. We're all right here with you.
- Jenny Downham

All love is lost but upon God alone.
- William Dunbar

Some producer actually told Franny that profanity revealed a poor vocabulary and a lack of imagination. And Frank and Lilly and Father and I all loved to shout at Franny, then, and ask her what she had said to that. 'What an anal crock of shit, you dumb asshole!' she'd told the producer. 'Up yours - and in your ear, too!
- John Irving

I shall love my kind of love anyway, doggedly, for I must certainly do the best I can with my own nature and if my nature is to love too well or from afar or to be grateful for crumbs...well, so be it.
- Carol Emshwiller

We beat the drum slowly and played the fife lowly,
and bitterly wept as we bore him along.
For we all loved our comrade so brave, young and handsome,
we all loved our comrade although he'd done wrong.
The Cowboy's Lament
- Leif Enger

I call it an old-fashioned seafood house for the new millennium. We are trying to update what we know as old fish houses and places like that, which are great, but I want to give it a new, fresh look with updated versions of the classics we all love.
- Todd English

Never had she so honestly felt that she could have loved him, as now, when all love must be vain.
- Seth Grahame Smith

And if our lives are but a single flash in the dark hollow of eternity, then if, but for the briefest of moments, we shine - then how brilliantly our light has burned. And as starlight knows no boundary of space or time, so too, our illumination will shine forth throughout all eternity, for darkness has no power to quell such light. And this is a lesson we must all learn and take to heart - that all light is eternal and all love is light. And it must forever be so.
- Richard Paul Evans

The sun is all love and murder, judgement, the perpetual raid of conscience, paratrooping light which opens like a snow-blossom in the downward drift of death. Wherever I turn - the golden cymbals of judgement, the summoning of the torturers of light.
- Janet Frame

We all love each other, Ange," I said impatiently, hating this whole conversation. "No, not like this," she went on relentlessly. "Fang loves you."......My mouth dropped open. How does she know this stuff? "Forget it! No one's getting married!" I hissed. "Not in New Hampshire or anywhere else! Not in a box, not with a fox! Now go to sleep, before I kill you! Oh yeah, like I got any sleep after that. - pg 35
- James Patterson

The demand that we love our neighbor as ourselves contains as an axiom the demand that we shall love ourselves, shall accept ourselves as we were created.
- Max Frisch

For where all love is, the speaking is unnecessary
- Diana Gabaldon

And was there love there? Beyond the limits of flesh and time, was all love possible? Was it necessary? The voice of my thoughts seemed to be Uncle Lamb's. My family, and all I knew of love as a child. A man who had never spoken love to me, who had never needed to, for I knew he loved me, as surely as I knew I loved. For where all love is, the speaking is unnecessary. It is all. It is undying. And it is enough.
- Diana Gabaldon

All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.
- Kahlil Gibran

That deepest thing, that recognition, that knowledge, that sense of kinship began the first time I saw you,and it is the same now - only a thousand times deeper and tenderer. I shall love you to eternity. I loved you long before we met in this flesh. I knew that when I first saw you. It was destiny. We are together like this and nothing can shake us apart.
- Kahlil Gibran

Lying in bed, half-covered by the blankets, I would drowsily ask why he had come to my door that night long ago. It had become a ritual for us, as it does for all lovers: where, when, why? remember...I understand even old people rehearse their private religion of how they first loved, most guarded of secrets. And he would answer, sleep blurring his words, "Because I had to." The question and the answer were always the same. Why? Because I had to.
- Margaret George

There ought to be some mode of life where all love is good, where one love can't compete with another but adds to it.
- William Golding

A great man once wrote, "Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire."
If only I were as eloquent as Mr. de la Rochefoucauld...I miss you, I miss you, I miss you. And I want you. And I need your kiss. And your touch on my skin like a man needs water. Always.
- Karen White

None of those other things makes a difference. Love is the strongest thing in the world, you know. Nothing can touch it. Nothing comes close. If we love each other we're safe from it all. Love is the biggest thing there is.
- David Guterson

And love was creation's source,creation's ruler;
but all love's ways are strewn with blossoms and blood, blossoms and blood.
- Knut Hamsun

I shall have poetry in my life. And adventure. And love, love, love, above all. Love as there has never been in a play. Unbiddable, ungovernable, like a riot in the heart and nothing to be done, come ruin or rapture.
- Tom Stoppard

You can have a spiritual awakening and discover a new side of you at any age. And best of all, love can happen at any age. Life can just start to get exciting when you're in your 40s and 50s. You have to believe that.
- Salma Hayek

We all love to sing, and when we sit down to write a song I think it kind of shows itself to us.
- Dave Haywood

We all love musical architecture; there's no doubt about that.
- Levon Helm

We all love Linux, but it's also a fact that some people might not be able to migrate.
- Miguel De Icaza

I suppose we all loved those kind of sci-fi movies where terrible things came out of swamps and came to Mars. And there's usually some poor girl. All the guys are trying to desperately handle levers and saying, go to something or other.
- Neil Innes

When I sing, I feel like when you're first in love. It's more than sex. It's that point two people can get to they call love, when you really touch someone for the first time, but it's gigantic, multiplied by the whole audience. I feel chills.
- Janis Joplin

It was far more fun than work doing those shows for all those years, we all loved each other and loved going to work, we all understood how fortunate we were to be in that place, to have achieved that success worldwide.
- Steve Kanaly

What you call love does not sound very beautiful.
- Lauren Kate

None of us can choose where we shall love..
- Susan Kay

He crouched at the care window and looked in. "What a lovely family you have. What a charming family. They're all lovely. Except for that one." His finger jabbed the glass. "That one's a bit ugly."
The American stepped towards him. "What? What did you say?"
"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure his personality makes up for his face.
- Derek Landy

He crouched at the car window and looked in. 'What a lovely family you have. What a charming family. They're all lovely. Except for that one.' His finger jabbed the glass. 'That one's a bit ugly.
- Derek Landy

Are not all loves secretly the same? A hundred flowers sprung from a single root.
- Tanith Lee

You ask whether I have ever been in love: fool as I am, I am not such a fool as that. But if one is only to talk from first-hand experience, conversation would be a very poor business. But though I have no personal experience of the things they call love, I have what is better - the experience of Sappho, of Euripides, of Catallus, of Shakespeare, of Spenser, of Austen, of Bronte, of anyone else I have read.
- C S Lewis

There have been some who were so occupied in spreading Christianity that they never gave a thought to Christ. Man! Ye see it in smaller matters. Did ye never know a lover of books that with all his first editions and signed copies had lost the power to read them? Or an organiser of charities that had lost all love for the poor? It is the subtlest of all snares.
- C S Lewis

To love you as I should, I must worship God as Creator.
When I have learnt to love God better than my earthly dearest, I shall love my earthly dearest better than I do now. In so far as I learn to love my earthly dearest at the expense of God and instead of God, I shall be moving towards the state in which I shall not love my earthly dearest t all. When first things are put first, second things are not suppressed bu increased.
- C S Lewis

Any one reflecting upon the thought he has of the delight, which any present or absent thing is apt to produce in him, has the idea we call love.
- John Locke

They wanted her. They all loved her. And they wanted to keep her.
- Hanna Lui

Our state's beautiful natural environment is part of why we all love and live in New Hampshire. It is also one of our state's most important economic assets.
- John Lynch

Dark girls, fair girls were patting their hair, tying ribbons again, tucking handkerchiefs down the fronts of their bodices, smoothing marble-white gloves. And because they were all laughing it seemed to Leila that they were all lovely.
- Katherine Mansfield

You are a member of the British royal family. We are never tired, and we all love hospitals.
- Queen Mary

That's what all love comes down to, doesn't it? We help others only as much as they let us.
- Megan Mccafferty

So how are we suppose to win? On the one hand, the world tells us that capital-L Love is epic, and all-conquering, and the meaning of everything, but on the other, it drills us with this message that we shouldn't make any sacrifice or effort to pursue it, because that would make us weak, unempowered, desperate, silly girls.
- Abby Mcdonald

We are all members of a single humanity, inside our hearts we all speak the same language, we all love our children and our parents, we all live in the same world.
- Marc Forne Molne

I am the eye that beholds... And I am the dreamer that paints the stars in the night sky... For I am the one they call artist, and you call Love.
- Solange Nicole

For one second the woman and I seemed to become twins, or closer than twins, the same person together. Maybe we said nothing. Maybe we only lay in the band of sunlight that fell across our bed. Or maybe together we said, There is great pain in all love, but we don't care, it's worth it.
- Lewis Nordan

There is great pain in all love, but we don't care, it's worth it.
- Lewis Nordan

He slept that night thinking of loves and lighthouses. That one love might shine to bring all loves home.
- Jamie O Neill

Yet I will make you all love me and I will punish myself to spite your love.
- Joyce Carol Oates

I'm not asking any of you to make drastic changes to every single one of your recipes or to totally change the way you do business. But what I am asking is that you consider reformulating your menu in pragmatic and incremental ways to create healthier versions of the foods that we all love.
- Michelle Obama

I love that for Barack, there is no such thing as 'us' and 'them' - he doesn't care whether you're a Democrat, a Republican, or none of the above... he knows that we all love our country... and he's always ready to listen to good ideas... he's always looking for the very best in everyone he meets.
- Michelle Obama

All love is vanquished by a succeeding love.
- Ovid

To breed a winner, let alone at Royal Ascot, is unbelievable. I've got four children and they all love the mother. We pat it most days and she's a lovely mare.
- Michael J Owen

Life as it should be: all friends, all art, all music, all love, all the time.
- Amanda Palmer

You look at shows like The Simpsons or Larry Sanders or Curb Your Enthusiasm or Seinfeld, they're really sophisticated shows that we all love back home.
- Simon Pegg

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do
- Pele

And because I love this life
I know I shall love death as well.
The child cries out when
From the right breast the mother
Takes it away, in the very next moment
To Find in the left one
Its consolation.
- Rabindranath Tagore

Theater in Chicago will always be my first love. It started careers for me and about 50 of my friends. We all love coming back. As soon as the TV show is over, I'll be back in Chicago, doing live theater.
- William Petersen

The Peace Panda Says...all pandas are considered sacred and are originally from Tibet. They all love peace and sweet bamboo cookies!
- Timothy Pina

No doubt very few people understand the purely subjective nature of the phenomenon that we call love, or how it creates, so to speak, a supplementary person, distinct from the person whom the world knows by the same name, a person most of whose constituent elements are derived from ourselves.
- Marcel Proust

Perhaps all love had something of the ridiculous in it.
- Barbara Pym

I shall choose friends among men, but neither slaves nor masters. And I shall choose only such as please me, and them I shall love and respect, but neither command nor obey. And we shall join our hands when we wish, or walk alone when we so desire.
- Ayn Rand

Maybe this is all love is and all it will ever be-- boys fucking girls and pretending it's love, girls getting fucked and pretending they like it, saying "I love you, too," and wanting to throw up.
- Amy Reed

I did not want to think so much about her. I wanted to take her as an unexpected, delightful gift, that had come and would go again nothing more. I meant not to give room to the thought that it could ever be more. I knew too well that all love has the desire for eternity and that therein lies its eternal torment. Nothing lasts. Nothing.
- Erich Maria Remarque

Mr. Darcy was in Pride and Prejudice and at first he was all snooty and huffy; then he fell in a lake and came out with his shirt all wet. And then we all loved him. In a swoony way.
- Louise Rennison

We shall live even in this state of living death, we shall love, we shall feel, we shall defy all who would judge and destroy us.
- Anne Rice

All lovers live by longing, and endure:
Summon a vision and declare it pure.
- Theodore Roethke

As much as we all love playing live, it's not normal to be on the road all the time, to have no home.
- Gavin Rossdale

Love came down at Christmas,
Love all lovely, Love Divine;
Love was born at Christmas;
Star and angels gave the sign.
- Christina G Rossetti

She hates me and you hate me, but you all love Harry. Nobody loves me.
- Arnold Rothstein

I imagined my first night alone in bed with my stranger. I conjured our future years together unhampered by worries about money or officialdom. We would enjoy the day, the night, a smile, a word, a kiss, a glance. All lovely thoughts. All pointless dreams.
- Lisa See

To paraphrase Woody Allen in Annie Hall, love was too weak a word for what I felt for that tiny crying creature who had my eyes, my mouth, my hair. I lurved my daughter, my Ava. I looved her. I lurfed her.
- Melissa Senate

we wouldn't ask why a rose that grew from the concrete for having damaged petals, in turn, we would all celebrate its tenacity, we would all love its will to reach the sun, well, we are the roses, this is the concrete and these are my damaged petals, dont ask me why, thank god, and ask me how
- Tupac Shakur

Do all lovers feel helpless and valiant in the presence of the beloved? Helpless because the need to roll over like a pet dog is never far away. Valiant because you know you would slay a dragon with a pocket knife if you had to.
- Jeanette Winterson

One word is too often profaned
For me to profane it,
One feeling too falsely disdain'd
For thee to disdain it.
One hope too like dispair
For prudence to smother,
I can give not what men call love:
But wilt thou accept not
The worship the heart lifts above
And heaven rejects not:
The desire of the moth for the star,
The devotion of something afar
From the sphere of our sorrow?
- Percy Bysshe Shelley

All love is sweet, given or received..
- Percy Bysshe Shelley

Many fear death. But I do not. For I've tasted the oneness we call love. Death cannot steal it. Nor temper it. No, I'll take my love with me, wherever I travel. And it shall endure.
- John Shors

All love is socioeconomic. It's the gradients in status that make arousal possible.
- Gary Shteyngart

I speak from the heart words I have no right to say. Words that I should have never uttered to you, yet I cannot help myself. I love you and I shall love you through eternity itself.
- Bertrice Small

Joan commented, upon sentence, My body is your property, but my love is not. My love is my own, and I shall love you fiercely while you kill me.
- Cordwainer Smith

... but remember that I shall love your sorrow..
- Cordwainer Smith

What do you call love, then?
Someone I can't live without.
- Deborah Smith

There were so many secrets between us now, it was hard remembering a time when things had been simple & easy, when it had felt like pure puppy love. I suppose all love eventually comes back down to earth.
- S C Stephens

There is no born lover,
There is no born Don Juan,
For we are all lovers.
- Dejan Stojanovic

You think to baffle me, you with your pale faces all in a row, like sheep in a butcher's. You shall be sorry yet, each one of you! You think you have left me without a place to rest, but I have more. My revenge is just begun! I spread it over centuries, and time is on my side. Your girls that you all love are mine already. And through them you and others shall yet be mine, my creatures, to do my bidding and to be my jackals when I want to feed. Bah!
- Bram Stoker

All love is unrequited. All of it.
- J Michael Straczynski

I've made a career writing about fictitious anti-heroes. To create these worlds, I've spent a lot of time with active members on both sides of the law. And if I had to pick the most interesting of the two, the choice is obvious - we all love the guys in black.
- Kurt Sutter

Thinking all love ever does
Is break
And burn
And end
- Taylor Swift

Shall love be blamed for want of faith?
- Alfred Lord Tennyson

Had we not loved ourselves at all, we could never have been obliged to love anything. So that self-love is the basis of all love.
- Thomas Traherne

For Ciro, Enza would sacrifice, fight to put food on the table, worry and fret over babies, and live life in full. She had only one life to share, and one heart to give the man who most deserved it. If she took Ciro on, she was in for a struggle compared to her life with Vito, but the love of all loves was worth it.
- Adriana Trigiani

All love is betrayal, in that it flatters life. The loveless man is best armed.
- John Updike

We all love after-the-bomb stories. If we didn't, why would there be so many of them? There's something attractive about all those people being gone, about wandering in a depopulated world, scrounging cans of Campbell's pork and beans, defending one's family from marauders. But some secret part of us thinks it would be good to survive. All those other folks will die. That's what after-the-bomb stories are all about.
- John Varley

All love is expansion, all selfishness is contraction. Love is therefore the only law of life. He who loves lives, he who is selfish is dying. Therefore love for love's sake, because it is the only law of life, just as you breathe to live.
- Swami Vivekananda

The Highest Thought is always that thought which contains joy. The Clearest Words are those words which contain truth. The Grandest Feeling is that feeling which you call love.
- Neale Donald Walsch

All love is original, no matter how many other people have loved before.
- George Weinberg

All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon the sand.
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox

But we all suffer. For we all prize and love; and in this present existence of ours, prizing and loving yield suffering. Love in our world is suffering love. Some do not suffer much, though, for they do not love much. Suffering is for the loving. This, said Jesus, is the command of the Holy One: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." In commanding us to love, God invites us to suffer.
- Nicholas Wolterstorff

There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another.
- Frank Zappa


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I don't regret a single second that I spent with you." I smiled wryly at him. "No time spent with you is wasted. - S C Stephens No time spent with you is wasted. - S C Stephens

That One Guy Quotes

Let the best of your competition take out the rest of your competition, while you rest and then take out only that one guy. - Jarod Kintz We all want somebody to share our life and love with. But if there are an odd number of people on the earth, and there's a 50% chance there is, then somebody is going to get left out. And that somebody isn't going to be me, even if I have to kill that one guy to make the world balanced. - Jarod Kintz Yeah, 'cause you were so quick to speak up earlier? it mocks. What's that one guy's name again? The one who is your heart and soul? Octavius? Othello? Bah. I can't be bothered to remember, either. How interesting, your hypocrisy. - Tj Klune At least I had that, one guy understood me. - Yoko Ono

Last Song Quotes

I finished your song, she said. Our last song. And I want to play it for you. - Nicholas Sparks We would play, then they would play a set, then we would jam on the last song. - Charlie Byrd He sang his last song. And the words of that have never been written down. But it was sweet and of great beauty, and those that heard it were changed utterly. Some say it was the song that moves the stars. - Catherine Fisher If you look at my last songs and first short stories, there is a real connection between them. - Kazuo Ishiguro Everybody sing like it's the last song you will ever sing Tell me, tell me, do you feel the pressure now? Everybody live like it's the last day you will ever see Tell me, tell me, do you feel the pressure now? - Paramore Solace is my favorite song. It was the last song we wrote for the record. It was right when we really started to mesh as far as music goes and we started really connecting with each other. - Brandon Thomas